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I followed all tips here, no luck. I changed registered owner. I have a login name of X, but doc and set users of A and B.

Everything on the computer is active through the A user, need all to be active through the B user. Cannot screw it up machine iss needed for business on monday. Cannot rclick and change folder since it is a sys folder.



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Here's the scoop and the fix.

He purchased the laptop as part of a company he bought. Needed to change the Registered Owner, and all accounts. They also needed to be active.

Found how to change the Registered Owner. With a registry tweak from kelly's korner.

Change names and make account active in doc and settings.

I backed up the registry.

Created user "B".

Copied all contents frm "A" to "B". IN SAFE MODE.

Then did a search of the registry for user "A" each one I found I cahnged to "B".

Restarted machine and change0, prest0 I now have B as the active no fusses.

Deleted "A".

Restarted machine to check still good.


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