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Posts posted by GML3G0

  1. Cedega is not free. *.tgz is a Slackware installation file. You want the *.rpm version. I think you can get the CVS code free, but it'll be a bit harder to set up. There's no GUI. You can pay $5 for 3 months if you want the full version.

    It's a bit old, but this guide should work.

  2. To make Windows boot first, you're going to have to edit your boot loader, LILO or GRUB, the latter being the one Ubuntu uses by default.

    Open up a terminal and type in

    sudo nano -w /boot/grub/grub.conf

    or, if you prefer a GUI to edit it. type in

    sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.conf

    enter your password and note the order of the OS entries. The first OS listed is "0", the second, "1", the third, "2", and so on.

    then there should be an entry that says "default x", where x is the number of the entry you want to be the default to boot.

    timeout 30
    # This is what you want to change. When set to 1, it will boot Windows first,
    # and when set to 0, it will boot Linux first.
    # Warning: Change nothing else, or your system may not boot!!!
    default 0

    kernel /kernel-2.6.13-gentoo-r3 root=/dev/sda3

    title Windows
    rootnoverify (hd0,0)
    chainloader +1