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Posts posted by pigmelt

  1. I'm not sure what you mean by gard drive? And Windows 2000 is different from Me, which is what you said you had in your original post. If the registry is corrupted, it will need to be fixed. You can do a chkdsk and defrag on it first. When you set it to run on reboot make sure you put a check on it to fix errors. The original info I gave you won't work on Windows 2000 if it is NTFS. You can also run sfc  /scannow in a command prompt but if it finds problems, you will need a Windows 2000 disk to fix them. I am not aware of another way to fix a corrupted registry in this situation. Deleting extra programs is not your big problem right now. The registry is. There is also a chance that the harddrive has bad sectors on it and the corruption problem could be useless to fix any further. A chkdsk should show if there are bad sectors on it.


    sorry typo, i meant hard drive not gard.

    when i boot the computer it gives me two options, boot "windows 2000", or boot "microsoft windows", when i choose windows 2000, it will boot "windows 2000 advanced server", and it WILL boot, when i choose "microsoft windows" it will ask me how to boot it, i'll choose normal and i'll get a windows ME loading screen, but the computer will shutdown right away, before it does something appears on the screen in orange font but the computer shuts down too fast to read it.

    i'll do what you said, thanks

    Dare I say it?...sure!

    Linux could breathe new life into that machine.  :lol:

    If you have no specific use for the PC and it's just gonna be a spare toy, there's some good learning to be done by installing a linux distro...most PCs capable of running win2000 are usually more than capable of running most distros.

    Would be a whole lot easier than trying to clean up the mess.


    what is linux like? i've heard of it but never tried it out, is it hard? or how much diffrent is it from windows? and most importantly, is it freeee? =D


    most linux distros are free, i just downloaded the Ubuntu distro for my new pc and had no problems except the sond card, but got it working by asking for help on the forums. right now i am trying to get my old pc a gateway 400c running with Ubuntulite. the linux forum suport form here are great for helping people out, but try to do some research on the different distros. personaly i like Ubuntu. my pc is dule boot with win xp and Ubuntu. just download and burn the iso image and install.

    sorry about being long winded. just finnished a 16 hour work shift.

  2. You may need to activate more than one channel, Probably both of Master and PCM.  The details vary with the sound card.

    GNOME (used by Ubuntu) should have a nice graphical mixer that is otherwise just like Alsamixer.  Applications -> Sound and Video -> Volume Control.

    You can also put volume controls on your panel, right click on the panel and select "add to panel".  Once you have it you can right click, select preferences and then set which channel you want it to control.


    thanks folks got it working just fine cool :thumbsup::thumbsup:

    i tried the alsamixer earler and did not know how to use it. again thanks a lot.

  3. Hello i'm back, im still kinda new to ubuntu,i had it installed on my old pc the 400mhz gateway all worked fine untill old age caught it. so i installed to my newer pc. amd 2800+,512 mb ram, nvidia fx5200, sound blaster live 24 bit. all works well,except for sound. how can i fix it. the device manager shows it as a sound balster audigy ls. please help. i know very very little command line so where do i start. tia :huh:

    i no longer have hoary installed, i down loaded breezy.

  4. On a Plll 700 just about anything will run fine.  For a first install I'd go with Ubuntu.  Just out of curiosity how much RAM does the unit have?


    it has 288mb ram, and a p2 processor not sure yet of the mhz on the processor, it is a gateway built in about 1999. sorry for not haveing anymore detail yet. just now got it up and running. it has a 10 gb hdd, had win 98 on it, currently doing a clean install of win 98se just to see if it is fully functional. will get back to you later hopefuly with more detail. im back it is a celearon 400mhz processor, how big of a partition should i need for Ubuntu on my hdd. i plan to make it dual boot win98, and Ubuntu. thanks


    A 400 MHz processor with 288 MB RAM will run Ubuntu just fine.

    I checked my Ubuntu box and I've got a little over 1.8 GB installed. A stock install of Ubuntu is less than 1.8 GB. I think 4-5 GB should be fine for Ubuntu, that'll give you enough space for a swap partition and room to grow. :D


    thanks i just got win98 up and running everything seems to be working fine this weekend i'll try to install ubuntu on. you mentioned a swap partition would that be considered a third partition? thanks


    got the old pc is up and going with Ubuntu. did not have to do a lot to be able to post this it took off right out of the get go. by the way i am usting the old 400 mhz to do this posting. thanks a lot for all the help. now to finnish off with the 88 updates. yea! :thumbsup: again thanks

  5. i have a gateway essential 400c im trying to put a lg c\cdrw drive in it, the modle munber for the drive is GCE-8523B rom version 1.01. 98se does not recognise it as a cdrw it only sees it as a cd rom. do i need to put any drivers in to 98 to be seen as cdrw. the processor is a 4oomhz 288 ram and 10 gig hdd. any help is great. tia

  6. On a Plll 700 just about anything will run fine.  For a first install I'd go with Ubuntu.  Just out of curiosity how much RAM does the unit have?


    it has 288mb ram, and a p2 processor not sure yet of the mhz on the processor, it is a gateway built in about 1999. sorry for not haveing anymore detail yet. just now got it up and running. it has a 10 gb hdd, had win 98 on it, currently doing a clean install of win 98se just to see if it is fully functional. will get back to you later hopefuly with more detail. im back it is a celearon 400mhz processor, how big of a partition should i need for Ubuntu on my hdd. i plan to make it dual boot win98, and Ubuntu. thanks


    A 400 MHz processor with 288 MB RAM will run Ubuntu just fine.

    I checked my Ubuntu box and I've got a little over 1.8 GB installed. A stock install of Ubuntu is less than 1.8 GB. I think 4-5 GB should be fine for Ubuntu, that'll give you enough space for a swap partition and room to grow. :D


    thanks i just got win98 up and running everything seems to be working fine this weekend i'll try to install ubuntu on. you mentioned a swap partition would that be considered a third partition? thanks
  7. On a Plll 700 just about anything will run fine.  For a first install I'd go with Ubuntu.  Just out of curiosity how much RAM does the unit have?


    it has 288mb ram, and a p2 processor not sure yet of the mhz on the processor, it is a gateway built in about 1999. sorry for not haveing anymore detail yet. just now got it up and running. it has a 10 gb hdd, had win 98 on it, currently doing a clean install of win 98se just to see if it is fully functional. will get back to you later hopefuly with more detail. im back it is a celearon 400mhz processor, how big of a partition should i need for Ubuntu on my hdd. i plan to make it dual boot win98, and Ubuntu. thanks

  8. ahh scuse me didn't know that. it wasn't too hard for me to remove the hard drive and floppy from a coupla old IBM laptops so i don't suppose this will all that hard but to be honest i have almost no experience with hardware in newer laptops. both these laptops were old 486's one with OS/2 Warp and the other with originally Windows 3.1 Upgraded to 95. :P


    thank for the manual, all help is great. i have built 2 desk top machines so far. not too hard to do now days. :thumbsup: laptops are a challenge to work on thuogh.


    thanks everyone for the help. turns out all i had to do is take the 2 screws out of the bottom of the case close to the drive then pull it out. again thanks for the help. :D

  9. my step son gave me his old gatewaycomp, and os but lost the cd key. is there any way to retirve this key form the cd itself?  it is an older machine about 6 yrs. only a 700 mhz processor.


    You can try a repair install of 98SE and see if that helps. Here are instructions.

    Windows 98, 98SE, and Me Repair Installation

    Boot from CD

    Select Start PC with CD ROM Support

    Change to Optical Drive A:\>D: [Enter] where D: is optical drive

    Change to Win98 directory (win9x for ME) D:\>CD\WIN98 [Enter]

    Run Setup D:\WIN98>setup [Enter]

    Windows setup will perform a repair install.

    Settings, files, programs, drivers, etc. will be retained. May need to reinstall Win 98/Me updates.

    Note: Do not allow Windows to automatically install, it won't work.

    I dont think it will ask for the Pin. no.. If you can get it to boot after that then you can find the key


    thanks everyon the system is ok now.

  10. ahh scuse me didn't know that. it wasn't too hard for me to remove the hard drive and floppy from a coupla old IBM laptops so i don't suppose this will all that hard but to be honest i have almost no experience with hardware in newer laptops. both these laptops were old 486's one with OS/2 Warp and the other with originally Windows 3.1 Upgraded to 95. :P


    thank for the manual, all help is great. i have built 2 desk top machines so far. not too hard to do now days. :thumbsup: laptops are a challenge to work on thuogh.

  11. My mom's computer is an HP Pavilion XE783.  Her Cd writer stopped working and is giving a code 39 - Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)

    She tried uninstalling the drive, and reinstalling but nothing would work.

    Any suggestions?  It calls the device a Mitsumi CR-4804TE


    i dont know a lot but am learning my laptop cd drive went out now just need to replace it. but maybe this link will help you not sure. http://www.windows-repairs.com/

  12. never tried that, knoppix is good, or Iccaros or some of the other live linux distros. You can run them from a cd to try them out to see which you like best and which ones find your hardware easily. If you need links or to know how to burn an iso to disk just post back here


    thanks i am downloading both will giv them a sipn a little later. :thumbsup:

  13. i was reding through this forum and seen a mention of Ubuntu, and a link to a test. when i tried to find the distro, i was unable to. i took the test,and it offered some different distros. can any one help. was thinking on trying it on an older comp with a 700 mhz processro, but also might try it on a newer comp. thanks

  14. IF the machine is running, do this: (and I know the registry is a scary place,  don't worry, you're only looking at the registry, not touching anything!)

    Start > run > type regedit

    This will open the registry editor.  From there, navigate to:


    Click on the CurrentVersion folder, and on the right pane there will be a key that says ProductKey.  There will be a 25 digit key (both numbers and letters), copy it down.

    I used this to make sure we had the right key before reinstalling windows, and it worked!

    If you still can't find it, then:

    Edit > Find

    Type ProductKey in the find box and click Find Next.

    Thanks to Macmarauder, he found this info!  :thumbsup:

    And if you have the Windows Manual, the key is on the front of it.



    thanks but the other problem is i cant get the machine to boot up yet. havent had time to work on it.

  15. I am pretty sure this is a non removable drive, meaning it is permanently mounted and not a hot swapable device.

    Use the HP e-Diag tools in the laptop to see what the problem actually is.

    When you start the laptop you see an HP logo, as soon as you see that hit the F10 key to start the diagnostic test. Then hit F2 when you see the next menu to start the e-Diag tools. It asks you what language and simple things next.

    You have an option of running a basic test, but if you hit F2 again you get an advanced option menu.


    i ran the test for the ide cd drive i put a pc world disk in the drive the test did not see the cd. it is funny that when i talked to an hp suppoet person they did not say anything about the e-diag tools. thew only thing they told me was the warrenty ran out 1 month after i bought the laptop. then said they could not help. i dont know much about laptops but with determination i got the cd drive out it is a perm mount. the part number for it is swb-081. shoul i try to find an exact replacement or will any drive that has the same shape work? thanks