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Posts posted by Rustymilo

  1. No problem chupzy :)

    You may wish to print out a copy of these instructions to follow while you complete this procedure.

    Download LQfix Here

    save it to your desktop, please do not use yet

    Next please run HijackThis, click Scan, and check:

    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [checkrun] C:\winnt\system32\eliteamm32.exe

    Close all open windows except for HijackThis and click Fix Checked.

    Please reboot into safe mode (continually tap the F8 key while your system is starting, select Safe Mode from the menu).

    Be sure you're able to view hidden files, and remove the following files/folders in bold (if found):


    Empty your recycle bin.

    Run LQFix from your desktop. After that, reboot normally.

    Please run a free online virus scan here (tick the "Auto Clean" checkbox):

    And a free trojan scan here:

    Reboot your PC.

    If you would please, rescan with HijackThis and post a fresh log in this same topic, and let me know how your system's working. :)

    ~Kristy :thumbsup:

  2. Hello chupzy, welcome to BestTechie! I’m Kristy and I will be helping you.

    You may wish to print out a copy of these instructions to follow while you complete this procedure.

    Please save Hijack This in a permanent folder (i.e. C:\HJT). This ensures backups are saved and accessible.

    Next please run HijackThis, click Scan, and check:

    R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = (If you know what this site is, you can leave it alone, otherwise, put a check by it.)

    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [checkrun] C:\winnt\system32\eliteamm32.exe

    Close all open windows except for HijackThis and click Fix Checked.

    Please reboot into safe mode (continually tap the F8 key while your system is starting, select Safe Mode from the menu).

    Be sure you're able to view hidden files, and remove the following files/folders in bold (if found):


    Empty your recycle bin, and reboot normally.

    Please run a free online virus scan here (tick the "Auto Clean" checkbox):

    And a free trojan scan here:

    Reboot your PC.

    If you would please, rescan with HijackThis and post a fresh log in this same topic, and let me know how your system's working. :)

    ~Kristy :thumbsup:

  3. I'm Kristy, and I'm 16, going to be 17 in september, and going to be a senior in high school then too, yes! I have 12 animals. So I'm pretty much an animal lover. I used to want to be a vet., then I wanted to be a meteorologist, then a fashion designer, but now I've decided that I want to do something with computers, and I don't plan on changing my mind this time. However I do volunteer at an animal hospital with a friend.

    If you want to know anything else, just ask!


  4. That's so sad.

    I can't understand why so many teenagers choose to do things like that. Whether it be getting too drunk, doing drugs, or similar to what your son did. It's such a waste of life. I know some people personally who i used to be friends with, who used to be nice good kids, but now they do similar things and it has completely messed up their life.


  5. WWE Wrestling (NO COMMENTS, PLEASE!)

    Me too Kat! Btw, I saw John Cena at the airport! My fav. wrestler. He's the youngest and hottest.

    There really isn't thing else I can think of at the moment that is worth mentioning, other than watching WWE.
