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Posts posted by obscureghost

  1. Generally, I don't have an issue removing virus's/malware from my computer, but this one has me stumped.

    I can load up any scanner I wish, Spybot, McAffe, Hijack This, Malwarebytes, Adaware... Those are the few that I'm readily familar with, and commonly use... But every time I attempt to start a scan, the program will shut off..

    Spybot will start scanning, for about 3 seconds, and then the program will cease, and shut down. After that, I cannot even re-open the program, without uninstalling, and re-installing it. The same happens with Malwarebytes, and Hijack This, each will scan for about 3, or 4 seconds, shut down, and refuse to open again.

    I've attempted all of them in Safe Mode aswell, but to no avail. McAffe's virus scanner will not actually scan either, giving me an error saying that the on demand scanner could not be started...

    I have no idea where to go, or what to do, any help/suggestions/ideas ANYTHING would be appreciated!