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Posts posted by Ravz

  1. This programming exercise involves writing software to help with the task of

    timetabling courses for a fictitious university. The mathematics department at

    UWGC offers 24 modules with codes A1..A8; B1..B8 and C1..C8. It has five

    classrooms for its exclusive use: rooms 1 and 2 have 20 seats, room 3 has 30 and

    rooms 4 and 5 can each take 50 students. Classes can be scheduled to begin on

    the hour from 9.00 till 16.00 each day of the week (except Wednesday when the

    last class is at 12.00).

    The timetabler needs software to perform the following tasks:

    • to print the current state of the timetable

    • to answer a query about the usage of a given slot (i.e. room, day and time)

    • to list which rooms are free at a given day and time

    • to list the timetabled hours for any given course

    • to allow the current state of the timetable to be changed by adding a module

    code in a free timetable slot and/or deleting a course from an existing slot

    When adding a module code in a slot, the software must check that the slot is actually

    free and also make some tests on room size and possible timetable clashes.

    (i) All ’A’ classes have 25 students

    (ii) Classes B1..B6 have 15 students while B7 and B8 have 35

    (iii) All ’C’ classes have at most 10 students

    (iv) Courses B7 and B8 cannot run simultaneously

    If the timetabler attempts to schedule a class which violates one or more of these

    rules, the software should not accept it and print a warning message instead.

    The software is to be menu-driven – that is, it should offer choices

    Display a timetable (1)

    Check a timetable slot (2)

    Check free rooms at a given day and time (3)

    Check timetabled slots for a given course (4)

    Release a slot (5)

    Allocate a slot (6)

    Your solution must be implemented in terms of two-dimensional arrays. That is the variable mon (i,j)

    should hold the module code of the class to be held on a Monday in room i( 1 < i < 5) at time j(9<j<16)

    (If no class is scheduled then mon(i,j) could have a default value such as ’--’.)

    Your solution must use function subprograms and/or subroutines – i.e., it is not to

    consist of a single main program. For instance, the tests on room size ((i) - (iii),

    The code must include comments which help a user understand

    how to work with the software. In addition to your code you must hand in sample

    output listings which show that you have tested all the features of the program.

    It is advisable to build your software solution in stages – that is, to write and test

    the program and subprograms for displaying the current timetable; then to add

    (and test) further code for checking usage of a particular slot; and so on for all

    menu options.

    My current coding

    FUNCTION room_ok(K, M)

    INTEGER :: K ! room number

    CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: M ! module code

    LOGICAL :: room_ok

    ! room_ok is returned as T if the number of seats in room K

    ! does not exceed the number of students on module M

    ! Otherwise it is returned as F

    PROGRAM timetable


    CHARACTER(LEN=2), DIMENSION(1:5,9:16) :: mon, tue, wed, thu, fri

    INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:5) :: roomsize

    CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: mc

    CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: day

    INTEGER :: choice, room, hour

    ! Initialise room data

    roomsize(1) = 20; roomsize(2) = 20; roomsize(3) = 30

    roomsize(4) = 50; roomsize(5) = 50

    ! Initialise empty timetable

    mon = ’--’; tue = ’--’; wed = ’--’; thu = ’--’; fri = ’--’

    ! non-trivial entries for testing

    mon(2,10) = ’A4’; tue(3,12) = ’A4’; wed(4,16) = ’B6’


    CALL Menu


    SELECT CASE (choice)

    CASE (1) ! Prints timetable for one day

    PRINT"(’Which day (Mon - Fri)?’)": READ*,day

    CALL Print_day(day)



    SUBROUTINE Menu ! prints option choices

    PRINT"(/,’**** UWGC Timetable wizard ****’)"


    PRINT"(’Display a timetable (1)’)"

    PRINT"(’Check a timetable slot (2)’)"

    PRINT"(’Check free rooms at a given day and time (3)’)"

    PRINT"(’Check timetabled slots for a given course (4)’)"

    PRINT"(’Release a slot (5)’)"

    PRINT"(’Allocate a slot (6)’)"


    SUBROUTINE Print_day(day) ! Prints timetable for day specified

    CHARACTER(LEN=3), INTENT(in) :: day

    SELECT CASE(day)


    CALL Print_times(mon)


    CALL Print_times(tue)


    CALL Print_times(wed)


    CALL Print_times(thu)


    CALL Print_times(fri)

    CASE default

    PRINT"(’Invalid day!’)"


    END SUBROUTINE Print_day

    Any help with the rest of the coding is appreciated, having difficulty from this point on.