susan spencer

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Everything posted by susan spencer

  1. I hope you can help as I have an old notebook that is loaded with files. I work at home a lot of the time. I would like to efficiently transfer all my files to a new notebook. I have been told this can be done by networking the two notebooks. I have a router at home. I have also been told this can be done with an extenal hard drive which I would purchase if I know what to pick up. It is important to mention that I will need to transfer a software program from my notebook that allows me to access the server at work so I can work at home called Reflections. It was loaded onto my notebook with a
  2. My desktop SUDDENLY changed to a bright blue and warnings of registry changes and infection alerts popped up one after another. I got off the internet immediately. Virus restricts manuevering computer. I was able to get to system restore which temp. arrested this blue bomb which feels like a system invasion. Ran several scans but only AVG found virus- Spybot, Defender, and AdAware found nothing. I ran a Deckard's and HijackThis log and posted below. IS SYSTEM STILL INFECTED? Thank you for your help! Deckard's System Scanner v20071014.68Run by 007 on 2008-06-29 14:15:23 Computer is in Normal M
  3. I have a Toshiba Satellite M55 notebook about 2 years old that recently started having problems. The fan turns on and off intermittantly, makes loud noises and sometimes will not shut off. The system runs hard and struggles. The monitor has a wavy circuit line showing through the center of the screen. I called Toshiba as I have a 3 year extended at home warranty and they sent out a tech. The tech brought numerous parts relating to the fan and planned to replace all of them without any regard for system diagnostics. He did not check the system at all- only the repair order. No error reports-no