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Everything posted by querty321

  1. I took the battery out and it looks OK as far as I can tell. How can I find out if the battery's defective? Should I try to turn on the computer with the battery out and see if it still smells or is that too risky? I just don't know if each time I turn it on I'm risking further damage. I'm still trying to find out about the warranty before I open it up.
  2. I'm not sure. A relative gave it to me and I think it's a few years old. I'll have to check on that. Actually, now that I think about it more, I would have noticed that smell if it had happened before, so there must be something different now. If the warranty's up, is a pinched wire something a computer-savvy friend or I could fix? How would I know if it fried the motherboard? It was working fine when I shut it down. But I'm afraid to turn it back on, obviously.
  3. So yesterday, when opening up my HP Pavilion zv6000 Notebook computer, I heard a small cracking sound from the back and saw that the seam where the plastic casing comes together on the hinge had become slightly separated. This cause the hinge to become a lot looser than before. Later in the day, I accidentally slammed the notebook closed pretty hard a couple times forgetting how loose it was. Well, this morning when I started it up I noticed a smell like burning plastic that I assume was coming from my computer. I'd had it unplugged all last night and plugged it in before I started it up this