Rick W

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About Rick W

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  1. Safe mode is the only thing my 4 year old Vaio will open with. Apparently there's a video driver or card problem and I'm scared to death of losing my info so I bought a new Vaio and am trying to transfer the info that I have. I have about 600 contacts and all these have to sync to my Treo. In safe mode the old Vaio won't let me do much of anything. I have been using Microsoft Office/Outlook 2003 for all my mail. If I had hair I'd pull it out!
  2. Good morning! Does anyone have an idea on how to transfer files, address book, etc from a XP computer that only boots up in safe mode? I went and bought a new lap top with Vista business. The old computer won't let me install "easy transfer" from Vista while in safe mode. Thanks, Rick