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Everything posted by Gus

  1. I tried that through Outlook, setting up a new profile with all the same email account information and set it as my default profile. All the settings tested correctly and sent the sample emails. So when I tried to open Outlook, same story; it tells me it can't access my email accounts and to go back and set up a new profile yaddah yaddah. I downloaded Mozilla and installed it, and it works fine but I can't import my address book into it; it doesn't recognize that there is any address book on my computer. But when I double click on it in Windows Explorer it (the address book) pops right up. It'
  2. For some reason my Outlook Express 6 stopped being able to send email. I can download just fine, but if I want to send mail it tells me Outlook Express is confiugred wrong, it can't access my Address Book, and can't open any stationary. Sometimes it just says Error, no explanations. I have the same email accounts set up on my laptop which work just fine. I think that one of the automatic downloads from Microsoft for Office and Windows XP must have screwed this up. How can I re-install Outlook Express? How do I re-configure it? I tried to set up Outlook, but it won't allow me to set it up eithe