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Everything posted by thegaeliccat

  1. It's the dinosaur 10.3.9 but I absolutely love it. It's been a great computer and I have no complaints. I am planning on purchasing a new one for xmas this year though. It's time for an upgrade. I also want to thank you for getting back to me, I really appriciate it. May I ask, what exactly should I be searching for on google? I tried searching on there already and found absolutely nothing. (told you I was an idiot) Thanks again for all of your help!
  2. Ok, let me begin by saying I'm an idiot. I'm using a dell flash stick to hold apple works docs and in a hurried fog, I pulled it out before fully ejecting. All of the files are fine except the one I really need! (So murphy's law) When I try to open it I get the i/o error. Is there anyway to retrieve the doc? Dear god, please say yes and have the solution! Thanks.