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Posts posted by Bandit

  1. yep, that worked perfectly, the bot is almost finished, im just having trouble with one final part. This section is designed to increase the amount of GC a person has when they type !income. I have tried several things but nothing seems to work.

    here is what I have so far.

    on 1:TEXT:!income $2* *:*:{

    inc %GC $2

    /msg $chan $nick currently have %gc GC

    that is just the particular section of the code, if you need the rest of the script, I can provide that as well. Thanks

  2. thanks for that, i have tried to make a small section of script for the game, but as it is my 1st, it isn't quite working yet. Could you tell me what I need to change/do to get this bit to work?

    Thanks in advance

    on 1:TEXT:!buy %quantity Fishing Boats:*:{

    set %price 10

    dec %gc $calc (%price * %quantity)

    writeini $nick $+ .ini Inventory GC %gc

    /msg $chan You have bought %quantity Fishing Boats


  3. thanks for the response, actually since then, i've spoken to a few people and got a bit of help,

    tbh, i've already made the game, the bot just automates certain sections of the game like buying buildings or getting income. What I would really like to know, is how to set a variable,such as money, then increase or decrease it depending on if people type certain phrases into the game, like !buy xxxx.

    If you could help me with that specifically, that would be great.

  4. Hey, I need a little bit of help with scripting a bot for an IRC RPG. I simply need a bot to store information about a players character e.g Money etc and then to add or subtract from the money(plus some other stuff) when players buy things. If someone can help me with this It would be much appreciated.