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Posts posted by jjos

  1. Hi, I need to find out what these lines of code are doing? The purpose of the code is to get information from a machine via RS232. The string of information this prog is getting, is being manipulated but I can't figure out what hell its doing to the string? I'm not a QBasic programmer so Any help explaining these 6/7 lines would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    'Read from inst


    OPEN "COM1:9600,S,7,1,CD0,CS0,DS0,OP0,RS" FOR RANDOM AS #1

    c1! = 0

    c1$ = ""

    s1$ = ""

    a$ = CHR$(27) + "P": PRINT #1, a$

    s1$ = "": c1$ = ""

    a$ = INPUT$(15, #1)


    s1$ = LEFT$(a$, 1)

    c1$ = MID$(a$, 3, 8 )

    c1! = VAL(c1$) 'inst value

    IF in = 2 THEN c1! = c1! * 10

    IF s1$ = "-" THEN c1! = -c1! 'Convert to -ve val if -sign