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Posts posted by raptrmastr

  1. I agreed to help a struggling nonprofit with some of their IT needs. They have a Server running 2003 standard and 7 XP pro workstations. I have been asked to add a new user and a new XP pro workstation to the network (or is it domain?). However I'm not familiar with their type of setup. It seems that a person can log onto any one of the workstations with their unique username and find all of their settings, documents, email, etc. right there. I added a user to the server under Active Directory, setting up everything the same as another user account with similar permissions, but could not figure out how to create a home folder nor where this should be created. It seems that all of the other home folders are located at various designations such as:

    connect G:\\server\johndoe$\settings\profile


    connect R:\\server\janedoe$\settings\profile

    but I cannot find these drive letters on the server.

    Now if I can get past that part I will also need to figure out how to connect the new workstation to the domain (network?)

    I'm in over my head a bit here :unsure: and they needed this setup yesterday.

    I've read and researched a lot and the more I do the more uncertain I become. Please give me a shove in the right direction.

    Begging and Pleading.