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About tkon

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  1. i rustled up an intel disk that had a few drivers so now the internet is working! there's a few loose ends to tie up, but whew! in the clear. Thanks so much for your help today!
  2. Yeah, windows installed (I did the quick version of the ntfs formatting, not the slow. Not sure if that matters). The problem with the device manager is that, after searching the windows disk, the program tries to connect to the internet to find the right drivers. of course, it can't get to the internet. Is there a way to get ethernet drivers another way? (Again, thank you for your repeated help... I'm pretty sure that I would not have been able to figure all this out without it.)
  3. Wow. Yet another thing, this time about the internet: the LAN is not be detected. After scourging many websites, I'm at a total loss for how to get this windows machine to detect the network adapter (ethernet port). Everything I find says that the LAN connection should is automatically detected. But, that does not seem to be happening here. Again, help? Thank you thank you, Talia
  4. No, it is still stuck there. Perhaps I should just turn it off and try again?
  5. Ok, after much futzing, I just went for the full reformat. However, the reformatting has been saying "loading information file hivesys.inf" for quite some time now. Are there errors that can happen during windows xp install at this line? pre-emptively, this is the only windows xp operating system disk that i have. thanks for your help all...
  6. Sadly, there is no option to do so. The files are also not in the recycle bin. Any other ideas?
  7. Hello, I downloaded and ran SpywareBot. It found many many files of spyware, including a lot of windows .dlls. Trusting the program, I deleted all the files that it found. Now, the windows operating system is not working properly. The current bugs discovered so far are... - the windows picture and fax viewer is gone, double clicking on an image does nothing. the thumbnails of the images do not display in the folders, and the filmstrip view also doesn't work - the help and support part of the control panel is a dead link. So, there is no way to do a system restore to an old version - the int