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About GoodScout

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  1. You are right Martymas. This is a tool that has been very helpful. The problem turned out to be the Trojan's that ASquared deleted. I am removing a few at a time to determin which one is attached to the GUI. I have removed 6 instances of Trojan - Dropper.Win32.Agent .son successfully. I'm working on removeing Trojan.Win32.Monderb.a. I have had to use the Task Master to restore the GUI at least 3 more times. I havn't had the chance to do this type of recovery in quite a while. At work I don't have the time to spend on recovery of the existing system. If a workstation is bad I usually just d
  2. shanenin and Pete_C Thank you so much to both of you. I was able to open Task Master and run the c:\win........\rstrui.exe. I restored the GUI. I appreciate your help. Now I will try to take my own advice. GoodScout
  3. I know better, and I didn't listen to myself. I was trying to help a friend with his clogged up laptop. HP Pavilion ze4900, 1 GB RAM, XP home SP2. Does not have the rescue disk and not available from HP. I have run CCleaner hundreds of times on maybe 70 PC's, never had a problem. It removed TONs of Crap. On the registry cleanup I saved the changes. I SHOULD have rebooted at this point. Duhh! I have had great success running ASquared - virus, adware, malware, worm - scanner many times. It removed 20 high risk worms and malware, and 15 low and medium risk malware/adware. I should have creat