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About YulianaBoyle

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  1. A friend is taking me to Australia next Spring and insisting we fly business class. I’m definitely an economy flyer, usually using airline miles. We will be flying on United. I know there are lie flat seats and we will get to board earlier, but I have no idea what to expect otherwise. Is the food the same as economy? Do they give you goodies or better things than the people at the back? Is one expected to dress better? So many questions, and I appreciate any tips you can give me. Thanks!
  2. My wife would like a digital photo frame and would ideally like to be able to point it to a google photos album (or something similar) to cycle through the photos in that particular album. Has anyone ever come across something like this? At this stage I've only found wifi ones that allow you to send photos to it's internal storage. She doesn't really want a google hub or android tv. Thanks.
  3. Hello community, I would like to clean up the phone numbers I get from my api. I would like to do the cleanup in a code node to test my JavaScript knowledge. But I can’t get any further. I have now written the following script and always get only as a result: null. I’ve already tried what happens when I run the first line through: let phoneNumber = “09585/86756757” || ‘’; Replace. And there I got the phone number cleaned up as a result. But how do I get the phone number of my API in there?
  4. Just heard about this "Farm Bill". It has always been my understanding that Hemp has a lot of uses, rope, lubricants, bio-fuel, etc., and that it is nearly free of THC, but now it seems the Feds have set up the private market to do an end around with THC infused drinks and other edibles. Imagine that .gov coming up with a program that has extended/unintended effects. Any of you degenerates tried these products?
  5. Just curious, but does anyone else take first aid supplies into the field when hunting? If so ,what type, and why? Personally I carry a tourniquet for anything gunshot related, gauze for anything needing to be kept clean that a bandaid can't cover, tape to secure the gauze, bandaids for anything small, and tons of blister care crap.
  6. While hunting & fishing up here on the Canadian border (for ruffed grouse & walleye) I walk past a plentitude of wild mushrooms every fall. It has bothered me over the years me that I knew so-little about them, so-much-so that when I was laid-up last winter (w/a wrecked ankle) I attempted to remedy that situation a little. There are lots of books and now videos on the subject (YouTube college!) that allow you to delve deeply into the subject, and if you have an even remotely analytic mind, you too can get this to a comfortable point. I tend to focus on variants that don't have look-
  7. I have just been offered this newly approved drug by my doctor, apparently it helps with appetite suppression and weight loss as an aside to it's intended use as a type 2 diabetic.. Anyone have any experience with it yet? What is it like? Side effects etc
  8. M$ got rid of this as they figured out people would pay for it (Office 365), but luckily the internet have preserved it and it's available for download. There's four simple steps for it: 1) Download the files (choose your preferred language) 1b) If it doesn't download then that means your ISP blocked it, so use a VPN (Proton VPN offers a free VPN service and it's perfectly fine for this) 2) Install setupconsumerc2rolw.exe 3) Open the folder "Updates" and install click2run-x-none.msp (this makes it functional again) 4) Restart, and it's done. I've been using Office 2007 with a
  9. I guess most have seen those reasonably prices walkie talkies, called PMR446, usually sold in pairs. Actually all of them are compatible, there is no need to use the unit with its pair (although some may wrongly believe that) and in Europe these units don't need any license. In the USA there is a similar concept called "family radio". PMR446 is the name of a standard, not a brand. These units are made by multiple vendors such as Motorola, Cobra, Midland, etc. I am always surprised at how many birders usually rely on mobiles phones and Whatsapp to keep in touch, for example, if a grou
  10. I'd like to get a darker crust but still keep the bake time under 8 minutes. Im baking around 585 so I understand there are limits. I've tried adding sugar (2%) as well as barley malt syrup with not much difference. Will ordering diastatic malt powder be a game changer or am I simply limited by the temp? Also, is diastatic malted barley flour the same thing as dmp? (edit) Is a malted flour like KABF basically the same as using an unmalted flour but adding malted barley flour? I'm pretty sure that question answers itself but I figured it's better to ask. I really don't want to buy malted barley
  11. I'm creating this thread so that people here can post what exercise they've had on any given day. Maybe you have some goals or just need to get motivated to exercise more. Post away! Today, I went on a 2.6 mile walk, did some pilates and a series of other exercises: Pull-ups Press-ups Bar hangs Sit-ups Inverted row Shoulder press with barbell Bent over row with barbell Glute bridge with barbell Hips thrust with barbell
  12. Hi guys I hope you guys are having a great day so far. While I was growing up my favorite childhood game was probably the Nintendo WII system and playing Mario Cart. I love the WII system so much cause we got to create MII characters and racing against my friends and family. What was your favorite child game growing up/
  13. Mentioned in chat: Quantum computing for the determined
  14. Recently, we've realized that ChatGPT an artificial intelligence (AI) program has been used to provide both reviews and poetry content. While we don't have anything against people using tech to expand horizons, we find this something that needs to be addressed. Immediately. What are your thoughts? We have AI here. We can't beat the poetry that's generated when admitted in contests. We can't beat the reviews that are generated. So we have steroids at the Olympics. How would you like to address this, as a community? So far, we think asking for policy that folks using AI identif
  15. I need a ddos stresser to test the safety of my site. I use vDos stresser and it's very good and powerful in HTTP & XMLRPC methods. But in layer 4 attacks, it's not strong!! I need strong stresser websites. Thanks.