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About chimpy666

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  1. I ran ipconfig on both laptop and working comp, and checked the settings using that ip addy for google and it turns out that on my offending laptop its not been given an IP address when i used ipconfig it came up with and the same for the DNS, i think this is the real problem, now is the question how do I tell it to give me and IP?? would static work? the router is set for DHCP tho. Cheers once again Olly
  2. Ok i am not that clued on with routing and network protocol, the problem i am having is this i formatted my laptop which is and was running windows XP home with service pack 2 the network is setup using netgear RP614 which 3 computers connect to this and the remaining connection goes to a switch to which my laptop connects as well as 3 others, i have connected it all back up and it sees the connection at 100mbps but wont let me access any webpages i check the connection and data is being sent but not received, would it be a DNS problem I have set properties set to DHCP and Auto DNS when i reb