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Posts posted by jamesflick

  1. Spongegirl, a beloved character in the realm of animation, has transcended the boundaries of a mere cartoon character to become a cultural phenomenon. From her humble beginnings to her impact on fashion, language, and even environmental awareness, Spongegirl has left an indelible mark on our lives.

    Introduction to Spongegirl

    Spongegirl, also known as SG in fan circles, is a fictional character that first graced our screens in the early 2000s. Created by visionary animators, SG quickly became a household name, captivating audiences with her quirky personality and adventures in the underwater city of Seaweedville.

    The Evolution of Spongegirl

    Starting as a simple animated character, Spongegirl underwent a remarkable evolution. From her initial design to the present day, SG has gone through various transformations, both in appearance and character development. This evolution has kept fans intrigued and invested in her journey.

    Spongegirl in Popular Culture

    Spongegirl's influence extends far beyond the confines of children's television. Her impact on popular culture is undeniable, with references in movies, music, and even political discourse. Memorable moments and catchphrases from the show have become part of our collective memory.

    Spongegirl Merchandise and Fanbase

    The success of Spongegirl isn't limited to the small screen. Merchandise featuring SG's image has flown off the shelves, creating a lucrative market. Additionally, Spongegirl boasts a dedicated fanbase that spans generations, showcasing the character's timeless appeal.

    Spongegirl's Influence on Fashion

    Fashion trends often find inspiration in unexpected places, and Spongegirl is no exception. Designers have incorporated SG's vibrant color palette and whimsical aesthetic into their collections, giving rise to a unique and playful fashion movement.

    Spongegirl in Social Media

    In the age of social media, Spongegirl has found a new home. Viral moments, challenges, and hashtag campaigns related to SG flood various platforms, engaging fans in a way that transcends traditional television viewership. The character's presence online is a testament to her enduring popularity.

    Spongegirl's Impact on Language and Slang

    Spongegirl's influence extends to the language we use daily. From catchphrases that have become part of everyday speech to the incorporation of SG-inspired slang, the character has contributed significantly to the evolution of language.

    Educational Aspects of Spongegirl

    Beyond entertainment, Spongegirl has played a role in educating young minds. Educational shows featuring SG tackle important issues in a child-friendly manner, fostering a positive and impactful learning environment.

    Criticism and Controversies Surrounding Spongegirl

    However, SG hasn't been immune to criticism. Some episodes and storylines have faced backlash, with critics pointing out perceived flaws. Additionally, controversies surrounding the character have sparked discussions about the influence of children's programming on young minds.

    Behind the Scenes: The Making of Spongegirl

    The creation of Spongegirl involves a collaborative effort by a team of talented animators, writers, and voice actors. The challenges faced during production, coupled with the creative process, provide insights into the intricate world behind this beloved character.

    Spongegirl and Environmental Awareness

    In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, Spongegirl has taken a stand. Through episodes promoting eco-friendly practices and social responsibility initiatives, SG has become an unlikely advocate for a healthier planet.

    Like an unsolved puzzle waiting to be pieced together, the Spongegirl Case has left investigators scratching their heads for years. With countless speculations swirling in cyberspace and whispers of conspiracy echoing through dark alleyways, it’s time to separate fact from fiction and dive headfirst into this captivating mystery.

    Spongegirl's Legacy

    As we reflect on Spongegirl's journey, it becomes evident that her legacy is far-reaching. The character's impact on entertainment, fashion, language, and education has solidified her status as an enduring cultural icon. With talks of future developments and adaptations, it's clear that Spongegirl's legacy is destined to endure.

    Interviews with Spongegirl Creators and Cast

    To gain deeper insights into the world of Spongegirl, we had the privilege of speaking with the creators and cast members. Their perspectives offer a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this iconic character and the experiences of those involved in bringing her to life.

    Fan Theories and Speculations

    The fan community surrounding Spongegirl is known for its creativity and imagination. From elaborate fan theories to unique speculations, enthusiasts have contributed to the rich tapestry of the Spongegirl universe, showcasing the character's ability to inspire the imagination.


    In conclusion, Spongegirl's journey from a simple animated character to a cultural phenomenon is nothing short of extraordinary. The character's ability to adapt, influence, and resonate with audiences across various aspects of life speaks to the timeless appeal of Spongegirl.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. Is Spongegirl still on television, and are there plans for new episodes?

      • As of the latest information, Spongegirl is still on television, and there have been discussions about potential new episodes in the future.
    2. How has Spongegirl's merchandise contributed to her popularity?

      • Spongegirl's merchandise has not only contributed to her popularity but has also become a significant revenue stream. The vibrant and playful designs appeal to fans of all ages.
    3. What challenges did the creators face in bringing Spongegirl to life?

      • The creators faced various challenges, from developing a unique character design to navigating the complexities of creating engaging storylines that appeal to a diverse audience.
    4. Are there any spin-off projects or collaborations involving Spongegirl?

      • While there haven't been official announcements of spin-off projects, Spongegirl has collaborated with designers and brands, influencing fashion trends.
    5. How has Spongegirl's impact on language been recognized outside of the show?

      • Spongegirl's impact on language is evident in everyday speech, with phrases and slang inspired by the character being embraced by people of all ages.
  2. In the Land of the Rising Sun, celebrations hold a profound significance, weaving together a rich tapestry of tradition and modernity. The Japanese 10k Celebration stands as a testament to the nation's ability to honour its heritage while embracing the dynamic currents of contemporary life.


    Importance of Celebrations

    Celebrations are integral to the human experience, marking moments of joy, achievement, and unity. In Japan, where tradition is revered, celebrations become a canvas for expressing cultural identity and fostering community bonds. Among these celebrations, the Japanese 10k Celebration shines brightly, embodying the essence of a nation that cherishes its past while stepping into the future.

    History of Japanese Celebrations

    Traditional Festivals

    Japan's history is punctuated with vibrant festivals deeply rooted in Shinto and Buddhist traditions. From the dazzling spectacle of cherry blossom festivals to the rhythmic beats of Taiko drumming, these events create a cultural mosaic that has endured for centuries.

    Modern Celebratory Practices

    In the wake of globalization, Japanese celebrations have evolved. The integration of Western festivities and the infusion of contemporary elements have given rise to a unique blend, where ancient rituals coexist harmoniously with modern practices.

    Geekzilla Tech and similar companies are changing the way people see and engage with innovative technologies in this dynamic industry. With its unique solutions and forward-thinking approach, tech behemoth Geekzilla Tech has revolutionized several sectors.

    The Significance of 10k in Japanese Culture

    Numerical Symbolism

    In Japanese culture, numbers carry symbolic meanings. The number 10,000, represented by the character 万 (man), holds special significance, signifying completeness and infinity. The Japanese 10k Celebration, therefore, becomes a moment of completeness and abundance.

    Cultural Relevance

    Beyond its numerical symbolism, the 10k Celebration is deeply ingrained in Japanese cultural practices, symbolizing the culmination of efforts, the attainment of goals, and the spirit of unity.

    Preparations for a Japanese 10k Celebration

    Planning and Organization

    Organizing a Japanese 10k Celebration requires meticulous planning. From selecting auspicious dates based on the traditional Japanese calendar to coordinating with local communities, the preparation process is a delicate dance between tradition and pragmatism.

    Traditional vs. Contemporary Elements

    Balancing tradition with contemporary elements adds a layer of complexity. While traditional rituals and ceremonies form the core, incorporating modern elements ensures that the celebration remains relevant and engaging for diverse audiences.

    A bothersome problem that can affect your device’s operation and user experience is seeing white spots on your phone screen. Your phone’s screen will seem less clear and of worse quality if it has these white spots, which can be caused by things like pressure damage or manufacturing flaws. In this detailed tutorial, we’ll investigate what makes phone displays appear with white spots and show you how to fix it so your screen is always clear and uncluttered.

    Culinary Delights in Japanese Celebrations

    Special Dishes and Recipes

    No celebration in Japan is complete without a feast of culinary delights. Special dishes, often rooted in regional traditions, take center stage, tantalizing taste buds and celebrating the diversity of Japanese cuisine.

    Symbolic Food Choices

    The selection of food goes beyond mere flavor; it becomes a symbolic expression of values and aspirations. From symbolic ingredients to the artful presentation of dishes, each element contributes to the overall narrative of the celebration.

    Traditional Attire and Dress Codes

    Kimonos and Their Significance

    The attire worn during a Japanese 10k Celebration is a blend of elegance and cultural symbolism. Traditional garments like the kimono, adorned with intricate patterns and colors, carry profound meaning, reflecting the wearer's connection to heritage.

    Adapting Traditional Wear to Modern Celebrations

    As celebrations evolve, so does fashion. While traditional attire remains a cornerstone, there's a dynamic interplay between preserving authenticity and adapting to contemporary styles, ensuring that the celebration remains visually captivating.

    Decorations and Aesthetics

    Meaningful Decor Choices

    Decorations play a crucial role in creating the ambiance of a celebration. In Japanese 10k Celebrations, each ornament and adornment carries cultural significance, weaving together a tapestry of symbols that resonate with the attendees.

    Blending Tradition with Innovation

    Modern aesthetics find their place alongside traditional motifs in the decoration scheme. The seamless integration of innovation ensures that the celebration feels both timeless and contemporary, inviting participants to connect with the past while embracing the present.

    Music and Dance in Japanese Celebrations

    Traditional Instruments and Melodies

    The rhythmic cadence of traditional instruments, such as the shamisen and shakuhachi, sets the tone for jubilant celebrations. The melodies, passed down through generations, infuse the air with a sense of continuity and cultural pride.

    Fusion with Modern Music

    In the spirit of embracing diversity, modern music finds its place in Japanese celebrations. Collaborations between traditional musicians and contemporary artists create a dynamic musical landscape that resonates with a wide audience.

    Interactive Activities and Games

    Incorporating Traditional Games

    Games and interactive activities add a playful dimension to Japanese 10k Celebrations. From traditional dance performances to the excitement of participatory games, the festivities encourage active engagement, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

    Modern Entertainment Trends

    Keeping pace with the times, modern entertainment trends, such as virtual reality experiences and interactive installations, find a place in the celebration. This dynamic fusion ensures that the event remains inclusive and appeals to diverse age groups.

    Community Involvement and Social Aspects

    Strengthening Bonds

    The Japanese 10k Celebration goes beyond individual merriment; it serves as a platform for community bonding. Collaborative efforts bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

    Volunteering and Giving Back

    In the spirit of gratitude, many celebrations incorporate elements of giving back to the community. Volunteering and charitable activities become integral, reinforcing the idea that celebrations are not just about personal joy but also about contributing to the welfare of others.

    Technology's Role in Japanese Celebrations

    Social Media Trends

    The digital age has left its imprint on celebrations. Social media platforms become virtual stages, allowing individuals to share their experiences and connect with a global audience. Hashtags and online communities amplify the reach and impact of the celebration.

    Virtual Celebrations and Global Reach

    Geographical boundaries dissolve in the realm of virtual celebrations. Livestreams and online events enable a global audience to participate, fostering cross-cultural exchange and expanding the reach of Japanese 10k Celebrations beyond national borders.

    Memorable Moments in Japanese 10k Celebrations

    Success Stories and Inspirational Incidents

    Behind every celebration lie stories of triumph and inspiration. Success stories emerge, reflecting the resilience of individuals and communities. These moments of triumph become the building blocks of collective memories.

    Personal Experiences

    The heart of any celebration is the personal experience of its participants. From the joyous laughter of children to the reflections of elders, the tapestry of individual experiences weaves together to create a rich narrative of the Japanese 10k Celebration.

    Challenges Faced in Organizing Large-scale Celebrations

    Logistics and Coordination

    Organizing a celebration of this scale is not without its challenges. Logistical hurdles, from crowd management to resource coordination, require meticulous planning to ensure the smooth execution of the event.

    Balancing Tradition with Innovation

    The delicate balance between tradition and innovation poses a unique challenge. Striking the right chord ensures that the celebration remains authentic while resonating with contemporary sensibilities.

    Future Trends in Japanese Celebrations

    Evolving Traditions

    As societal norms shift and cultural landscapes evolve, Japanese celebrations are likely to undergo changes. The adaptation of traditions to suit modern values ensures that these celebrations remain dynamic and relevant.

    Sustainability and Eco-friendly Celebrations

    In an era of increased environmental consciousness, the future of celebrations in Japan may witness a surge in eco-friendly practices. Sustainable choices in decorations, food, and logistics may become pivotal in shaping the narrative of future celebrations.


    In the tapestry of Japanese 10k Celebrations, threads of tradition and innovation weave together, creating a vibrant and dynamic experience. As we reflect on the significance of this celebration, we are not merely spectators but active participants in a cultural phenomenon that transcends time and borders.

    Get ready to immerse yourself in the joyous festivities and embrace the cultural richness of the Japanese 10k Celebration!

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  4. I'd want to discuss my industry standards for leading live courses with you as you begin your online teaching adventure so that you may teach online yoga sessions as well go to this site.


    Once you've set up your Zoom account, follow these instructions to begin live broadcasting your online yoga lessons.


    1. Double-check the Zoom Link


    Send your pupils a test link ahead of time to ensure that they have a good connection and are acquainted with Zoom. As a result, there will be no time wasted during the yoga session, and you will be able to start on time.


    Post the email to your pupils ahead of time and again ten minutes before class starts so that they can quickly locate it.


    2. Check Your Audio And Connection

    Before going live, always test your connectivity and audio. Even if your internet service is dependable, you'd be amazed how often problems arise at the last minute, causing your entire routine to be disrupted. To check sure your browser is operating correctly, take it through a speed test or navigate around a few online pages.


    Follow these instructions with Zoom open to test your audio:


    To access the Audio settings, click the upward pointing arrow next to the microphone symbol.


    To put your speakers to the test, follow the steps.


    To test your microphone, follow the on-screen instructions.


    When you've completed testing, click Finish and Close to close the window. Early Access to Your Room

    Start your meeting 10-15 minutes before it is supposed to begin. Log in to Zoom and check for any software upgrades before starting your conference.


    I prefer to open the app a few minutes before the start time to make sure my speakers and microphone are working, my connection is solid, and I'm in the appropriate frame of mind to start when the others arrive.


    Pro Tip: As your students enter the room, engage in some light conversation to ensure that the audio and playback work properly.


    4. Choose the Speaker View option.


    When you're ready to start your meeting, make sure your screen is set to Speaker View and that all other participants are muted (you may silence everyone by going to "Manage Participants" and selecting "mute everyone").


    This is useful for individuals who arrive late and make a lot of noise. It also helps maintain the studio environment, allowing you to focus on the mindfulness element of your yoga practice.


    By selecting "Spotlight Video," you can also choose which video to maintain the emphasis on. This keeps your instructional video front and center in the meeting, even if others are talking or generating distracting noises.


    5. Purchase high-quality equipment.


    Even if you use the most significant online course platforms available, you should still invest in a few tools to provide your students the best possible learning experience. Consider purchasing a high-quality camera and a cordless microphone to provide your audience with a high-touch experience. My webcam is a Logitech, and my microphone is a Samson.


  5. According to common perception, three things are necessary to be a yoga instructor and teach yoga: liability insurance, a teaching certificate, and certification status with a yoga organization.




    Before we go into the details of these concerns, keep in mind that this was not always the case—the guru handed on the practice of yoga from teacher to pupil. The student was awarded teacher status and the power for passing the information to the next level after the guru assessed that the student had acquired a suitable degree of maturity and comprehension of the subject. Yoga teachers with no professional certificates were allowed to teach yoga in gyms until barely 15 years ago, a condition that still exists today. Then followed the yoga craze, which saw the popularity of yoga explode. Due to the vast inflow of yoga teachers, it became clear that a mechanism to regulate teaching standards was needed. As a consequence, certain unique bodies have been developed. Each of them appears to prickle when the other's noise is loud, yet they all seem to have the exact fundamental needs.


    As a consequence, those interested in becoming teachers now have a more straightforward route.


    1. To get a certificate, enroll in an authorized course.


    1. Show your certificate to get yoga teacher insurance.


    1. Decide if you wish to apply for accreditation with one of the organizations.


    Before you go ahead and take the leap, keep the following points in mind:




    "Am I good enough?" is a question that everyone who wishes to be a yoga teacher asks themselves. Without a doubt, you are accurate! To become a yoga teacher, you don't have to be an expert. Everyone can benefit from yoga. As a result, if you are willing to study, you will ultimately get proficiency. Before applying, you need to have a particular amount of professional experience under your belt. When it comes to practicing before enrolling in a teacher-training program, there is no predetermined time limit. Some individuals are ready after a year of dedicated practice, while others will not be ready even after fifteen years of less regular exercise. Every person is different, and it is totally up to you whether or not you are prepared. Before participating in teacher training programs, we suggest that you practice for at least a year. It would be best first to strengthen your practice to get the most out of teacher training. This isn't so much a matter of being "good enough" as it is of becoming "good enough." Yoga will alter your body, and as a consequence, your preferences for certain poses and even yoga kinds may shift. Make sure you devote enough time to your practice for these modifications to take place first and foremost. Before you can help others, you must first go through the spiritual and physical changes that yoga promotes.




    What drives you to want to work as a yoga instructor? You can want to improve your practice, attain enlightenment, or reduce weight. Are you following your real passion or simply going through the motions? Make sure that your choice to become a yoga teacher is your own and that you're not just following the advice of friends or the latest trends! The Bhagavad Gita, one of the most essential texts in the yogic tradition, discusses motivation extensively. Instead of being motivated by material gain at level 1, a yogi at level 2 is inspired by the prospect of release from karmic bonds. You could be in for a pleasant surprise if you're attempting to lose weight: a spiritual awakening!

    Furthermore, you may be dissatisfied if your goal is to get rich. If you want to improve your practice, try going to a yoga retreat or taking a specialty course before committing to the time and money that teacher certification entails. (You may sign up for a free 60-minute taster session with YogaLondon's Foundation Courses, which can help you improve your practice while also providing you a taste of teacher training.)




    Let's pretend for the sake of argument that you aren't in this for the money. However, it would be best if you gave significant consideration to sustain yourself as a yoga teacher. Yoga teacher training classes typically cost about £3,000 but may cost up to £6,000. However, the investment can be well worth it in the long term. Some course providers allow you to pay in installments, which makes the cost more manageable. Did you know that several organizations provide teacher training scholarships? Alternatively, as a Student Teacher, you may be able to earn money while you study because even the most gifted yoga teachers struggle to make enough money to make ends meet when they first start. After you have received your teaching certification, you should think about how you will manage your funds.




    Atha, which means "now," is the first word in the Yoga Sutras. When it comes to beginning your yoga journey, timing is crucial. Double-check that the time is correct before you start. This shows that you're ready for and focused on the journey ahead and that you're eager to put in the work required to get the most out of yoga. It would be best if you also had enough time in your schedule to dedicate to teacher training and integrate teaching into your daily routine to become a yoga instructor. It's not a decision you should make lightly. Even though you're eager to get started, you may need to wait a bit for the time to be quite right, given everything else going on in your life.



    The latest news on the subject of rentals comes from the National Council of Notaries with the publication of a contractual scheme and a decalogue for the correct application of a formula such as that of rent to buy: first rent and then buy a house. This formula, in fact, is still not very widespread in the country despite the countless advantages it can bring in terms of buying your own home for rent over time.

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    Are you considering turning your rental into a future home purchase? Discover the latest news and the advantages of an important solution such as the one provided by rent to buy.

    What are the advantages of the rent to buy formula?

    The rent to buy is a formula based on the combination of rent with a future sale and provides the possibility for the potential buyer to use the property with the only payment of a periodic fee (in the form of rent) and then move on to a subsequent one. purchase on a predetermined date. The advantages as we can immediately see are given by a breakdown of the cost of the house over time, with the possibility for the potential buyer to pay and enjoy the property with the initial payment of the rent, and subsequently to move on to the actual purchase. to be implemented with the payment of the remaining amount from which to subtract the previous fees.

    However, this formula is still little used by Italians, first of all due to a little knowledge of the existence of a practice such as rent to buy, but also for some practical aspects on the matter. Suffice it to say that before the recent Slocan Italia decree, there was no specific legislation in the sector and the transcription of this contract in the real estate registers. Conversely, to date, with the approval of the aforementioned decree, it will be possible to register a contract stipulated with the rent to buy formula in proportion to its duration, as long as it does not exceed a period of ten years.

    The interventions of the National Council of Notaries on the rent to buy formula

    Following an initial intervention by the decree unblocking Italy on greater regulation of the rent to buy formula, an important intervention by the National Council of Notaries followed, which included in its portal "a hypothesis of a contractual "and a" handbook on 10 things to know about rent to buy ".

    Read More: PropertyNews

    As regards the first point "on the hypothesis of a contractual scheme", reference is made to a model to regulate all the modalities of the case between the parties, with greater attention to the granting of enjoyment, the obligations of the parties, the conditions and guarantees, taxation and the assignment of the contract. While with respect to the second point, the most important information has been included to be known for a correct application of the rent to buy formula.

    Also keep an eye on the ten things to know about notarial rent to buy

    The decalogue on the 10 things to know about rent to buy certainly represents a very important aspect highlighted by the National Council of Notaries to help Italians understand and use more an alternative formula to a more classic mortgage. For example, a practical example is included on the functioning of the rent to buy applied to the sale of a 100,000-euro property, as well as useful information on the advantages and risks for those who sell, the goods that may be the subject of the stipulation of the aforementioned contract, the protections provided for the tenant and taxes due by the parties and a convenience to the application of the aforementioned formula over time.

    For further information and to consult the decalogue of rent to buy and the hypothesis of a contractual scheme, it is possible to consult the portal of the National Council of Notaries, at the following address.


    [social locker id = 2995]

    • The rent to buy represents a formula that allows the cost of the house to be divided over time, starting from an initial payment of a periodic rent to a possible subsequent purchase of the same.
    • The Slocan Italia Decree intervened in this sector with the definition of a specific legislation that envisages, compared to the past, the possibility of transcribing the aforementioned contract in the real estate registers.
    • The "National Council of Notaries", on the other hand, intervened with the publication on its portal of useful information for a greater and correct use between the parts of the formula based on a first rent and a subsequent purchase.
    • A hypothesis of a contractual scheme is available on the Notary's portal, to regulate all the modalities of the case between the parties as in the case of the concession of the enjoyment and the obligations envisaged.
    • Finally, the parties can also access a very useful handbook on the ten things to know about rent to buy, such as the advantages and risks for those who sell, the protections provided for the tenant and a practical example on a 100,000-euro property.
    • Conversely, if your interest is on a more classic way of renting the property, it might be useful to know the latest news in the sector such as the new obligations on the registration of leases

    ·       Source: https://businessworld.com.pk/



    The municipal capital gain is a tax that has generated much controversy in recent years. And it is that this tax was taxed on all operations: with or without benefit. When the real estate market was in full "boom" we could say that most of the sales that were made generated a profit. But, until a few years ago, most people who wanted to sell a home apart from having a loss, had to pay this tax. For this reason, we want to explain to you what the municipal capital gain is and everything related to this tax.

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    What is the municipal capital gain?

    The tax on the increase in the value of urban land (IIVTNU) , popularly known as municipal capital gain , is a tax collected by municipalities when a house is donated, inherited or sold. This tax is levied on what has made the real estate more expensive from its purchase to the donation, inheritance or sale.

    You already know what the municipal capital gain is, but… who should pay it?

    Depending on the type of act that has been carried out, the person with the obligation to pay the municipal capital gain will be different.

    • In the case of the sale of a property , the seller will be who receives the money and, therefore, this will be the person who must pay the tax.
    • When inheriting a home, it will be the heirs who will be obliged to pay the municipal capital gain.
    • Finally, when it comes to a donation , the person who has received the home will be responsible for paying the tax.

    How is this tax calculated?

    Before calculating the municipal capital gain , you must know the cadastral value of the home and the time that has passed since the last act until that same property is sold, donated or inherited. To the cadastral value will be applied some rates of increase or revaluation of the property established by the town hall where the property is located. This rate may vary depending on the municipality where the property is located.



    The figure will be multiplied by the years that the house has been maintained. From this calculation we will take the tax base on which the municipal capital gains tax is applied. On this tax base, the tax rate set by the city council is charged, which cannot be higher than 30%. The amount achieved with these calculations will be the amount that the subject will have to pay as a municipal capital gain.


    Example to calculate a municipal capital gain

    Let's see it with an example: In 2010 José bought an apartment but due to the current situation, he has decided to put it up for sale. The cadastral value of the property is 200,000 euros. First we calculate the revaluation rate that will be the calculation of multiplying 3 (figure set by the city council) by the years that the property has had, in this case 10 years.

    This 30% will be applied to the property's cadastral value of 200,000 euros, resulting in a tax base of 60,000 euros. The tax rate should be attributed to the base, a figure that cannot be higher than 30% by law. Which, applying the maximum by law, we would have a tax of 18,000 euros. Remember that this tax will only be paid when the sale, inheritance or donation operation has generated profits.

    When is this tax paid?

    Until the ruling of the Constitutional Court in 2017, exposing the municipal capital gain unconstitutional when the house had not generated profits, this tax was always paid. In the 2018 ruling, the Supreme Court declared that this tax should only be paid in the event that there have been profits in the operation. That is, when the sale price of the property exceeds the purchase price.



    The regularization of municipal capital gains

    A bill has been announced in parliament that proposes some changes to regularize municipal capital gains. In this project it is maintained that the tax should only be paid when an equity gain is generated with the sale of the home and the method used to calculate the municipal capital gain. Of course, with an annual update of the coefficients that are applied by the city council. And that's not all, in addition this bill establishes that municipalities must return all capital gains collected from owners who sold their home at a loss.



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  8. At Housfy we continue to grow and expand our business with our new HousfyPro service . What does it consist of? It is a B2B division aimed at real estate agencies that need financial intermediation for their clients.

    Sky Marketing strives to be Pakistan's biggest real estate developer ever, guaranteeing the highest international standards, prompt execution, and lifetime customer loyalty. With projects blue town sapphire payment plan .

    What is Housfy Pro?

    Our new division will be in charge of offering mortgage intermediation services to real estate agencies and companies in the sector for their clients. HousfyPro allows companies in the sector to have a passive income through one of the most competitive remunerations in the market. For each mortgage processed with Housfy, they will receive financial compensation for having sent us the client.

    In addition, the agencies will have a portal to have control of the mortgage operation and the entire process so that they have information at all times of when the mortgage is being processed. A Housfy mortgage brokerage expert will take care of all the paperwork.

    Where did the idea come from? Albert Bosch, our CEO and founder explains: «Many professionals and entrepreneurs in the sector requested to use our platform to manage their mortgages. Seeing the growing demand, we create a solution with high added value. Mortgage intermediation is just the beginning, we will soon open new services for more companies.

    Financial intermediation with Housfy Pro

    Since we started with the new service, there are already 100 companies that collaborate with us for financial intermediation for their clients. Our forecast is that by the end of this year we will have 500 real estate agencies that use our services and in a couple of years, if we continue at this rate, we will reach the thousands.



    Collaborating companies will have a few benefits from working with us:

    • Passive income for the business . The remuneration for the mortgage transaction signed is one of the most competitive in the market.
    • Process control. Our platform will give you information at all times about the mortgage process and where it is in the process.
    • Personalized service for the client. We offer a personalized service with a mortgage expert accredited by the Bank of Spain.
    • The best market conditions. One of the great benefits of having Housfypro are the mortgage conditions that we offer, we can reach 100% of the financing and with the lowest interest rates.

    In June 2020, Housfy has managed to sell more than 160 homes and has closed about 100 mortgages, surpassing the figures for February. And we don't stop growing! By the end of this year we plan to sell 2,500 homes and close 1,500 mortgage loans.




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  9. You may have heard the terms of ownership or horizontal and vertical division at some point, especially when you want to buy a house . Well, today we will talk about these concepts in detail so that you have no doubts. Let us begin!

    Sky Marketing strives to be Pakistan's biggest real estate developer ever, guaranteeing the highest international standards, prompt execution, and lifetime customer loyalty. With projects blue town sapphire location

    What is horizontal division and what is it for?

    When we talk about a horizontal property we have to think of a building with a community of neighbors. In a building we find common and private areas where the owners reside , this step is the horizontal division where it is established from a document which are the private elements and the areas in which one is a co-owner.

    When you reside in a horizontal property, you are the dual owner of your property in its entirety and co-owner of the building. All the owners of the building become a community of owners regulated by the Horizontal Property Law , which we will talk about in another section.

    The horizontal division does not have to always occur in this way, there are other situations in which we can use it. You can make a horizontal division of a house with a comprehensive reform , as long as you have the unanimous support of the neighborhood community and they approve the building license, or you can also make the horizontal division of a house that here you only need to have approval of the major work license and the certificate of habitability.

    The Horizontal Division Deed

    The deed of the horizontal division of a visit is a document in which all the information related to the property appears. In the deed it will appear which are the private elements and the common areas and how it is organized. It is a legal document so that everything is legally stipulated.

    We will find the statutes of the community, the list of common and private elements and the participation fee of each owner regarding the property as a whole. In order to complete the document, you must follow these requirements:

    • The ideal legitimation in the grantor (s) , that is, that all the owners will have to agree with the deed.
    • The deed must be public.
    • The Deed is mandatory  when there are more than 4 owners in the community.
    • Work license. This will be in the case of new construction homes, it will be necessary to determine which are the common areas, private homes.

    To declare the horizontal division of the building or home, it is important that the Tax on Documented Legal Acts is paid and, if necessary, registered in the Property Registry.

    The Horizontal Property Law

    Before we have mentioned the famous Horizontal Property Law or LPH, but let's see what it consists of. This document establishes the rights as the owner of a private home and those of co-ownership with the rest of the neighbors.

    Positions in the neighborhood community

    The objective of this law is that there is a legal framework for coexistence between neighboring communities. Within a community of owners there are governing bodies (article 13, LPH) to facilitate the management of the building:

    • The Board of Owners.
    • President.
    • The vice president. It is not a mandatory position, but it is recommended in case the president is not in the house, it will be easier to manage it.
    • The Secretary.
    • The administrator.

    Both the secretary and the administrator do not need to be owners, while it is mandatory for the president and vice president. In the Horizontal Property Law we can also find the regulations for ordinary and extraordinary meetings, the functions of the governing bodies and the rights of the owners. In the latest update, two laws have been added limiting housing for tourist use and support for the rehabilitation of buildings.



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    All good, high-performing salespeople in real estate focus primarily on two things: knowing the customer's needs well, and being obsessed with their goals.

    SkyMarketing strives to be Pakistan's biggest real estate developer ever, guaranteeing the highest international standards, prompt execution, and lifetime customer loyalty. With projects like https://www.skymarketing.com.pk/islamabad/capital-smart-city/.

    Many of us would like to participate in a friendly competition, either to try to beat ourselves or other people in the commercial team (in a real estate that is common). 

    However, from a performance perspective, meeting goals does not mean the same as having good results.

    The best salespeople succeed over and over again because they are able to stay on the right track, even in times of crisis. They know exactly what they need to improve and keep the right perspective to close more deals.

    How do the best real estate sales reps stay focused and productive? Here's a secret that many of them have told me: Sales performance is more a matter of math than emotion.


    Sales are like a goal in soccer: it is difficult to predict, randomly and exactly, when the goal will fall and who will win.

    When you are managing multiple transactions, you need to know more about the details of the leads, the prospects and the closed sales to evaluate their performance.

    2% of real estate salespeople, who are those with incredible results, agree that today you spend at least 6 hours of your weekly calendar to evaluate all the statistics on your performance and see how you can improve in each area. They don't do anything that can't be measured. 

    Many believe that it is not necessary to measure to improve, but those who are good understand that it is only the metrics that can help them stay in the race.

    It's easy to get lost in excitement. It is tempting to explain that a sale fell because "people don't buy now" or because "people don't answer the phone."

    That is not a sufficient explanation for a modern salesperson and it should not be sufficient for you. 


    Selling, in this digital age, is a scientific process, not a jumble of elements that are added randomly.

    Today's sales process generally includes the following stages: 

    1: Attraction: content on the blog of your real estate development company makes a buyer / investor come to your website and feel good about the content they find there.

    2: Marketing Qualified Lead: First visit to a property

    3: Prospectus: sending information in writing

    4: Sales Qualified Lead: Second visit to the property (as a family).

    5: Client: Make the decision and sign a preliminary agreement.

    These steps vary greatly depending on the type of good you want to buy (it is not the same to sell an apartment for 200 thousand dollars than one for 2 million).

    It is critically important to identify and define each step in the sales funnel. 

    Identifying the benchmarks each phase will also allow you to compare your performance against your own goals and against those of other real estate sellers.

    By constantly analyzing conversion rates as a benchmark between each step of the sales funnel, you can carefully assess where you need to improve to get those metrics back on top.

    It is wasteful and inefficient to get caught up in the ups and downs of sales. However, you also have to give space to passion.

    If you are interested in continuing reading articles on how to sell more properties or want to know the philosophy of Inbound Marketing linked to a new business model for real estate, we invite you to subscribe to our blog, where you will find posts and premium content on digital marketing for real estate and real estate marketing.

    Or maybe you want to sign up for our free webinar, focused on industry vendors.


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    In 2015, the money invested in content for social networks in digital marketing campaigns for real estate developments will increase by 90 percent worldwide.

    Sky Marketing strives to be Pakistan's biggest real estate developer ever, guaranteeing the highest international standards, prompt execution, and lifetime customer loyalty. With projects like www.skymarketing.com.pk/islamabad/capital-smart-city/.

    Networks are one of the most important cogs in a digital marketing strategy for real estate, since they provide multiple advantages to the real estate developments that use them.

    A positive relationship that real estate companies are aware of and verify, in view of the bet that this type of companies are carrying out with respect to these platforms.

    It is a bet that has the prospect of continuing in the long term, in view of the results of a recent analysis carried out by eMarketer, one of the most important online market research firms.

    The research reveals that the global investment in social media within marketing to promote real estate developments throughout 2015 is expected to be close to 900 million dollars, 90% more than what was invested in this strategy in 2014.

    In parallel, this study manages that in 2017 the commitment to the real estate industry with respect to networks will only increase, since it is expected that investment in this type of tools will be close to 1.3 billion dollars , 47% more than the estimated amount for this year.


    • Do all regions of the world behave in the same way?

    • Are social networks platforms that affect the different companies that interact in the world equally?

    Report data reveals significant differences

    And it is that the companies that are part of the most traditional economies are the ones that bet the most on the networks when trying to achieve their objectives in the online environment.

    Hence, the advertising investment in this game is higher in these places.

    This is the example of North America, which currently accounts for the largest amount of investors, with more than 600 million dollars of investment in social media , followed by the Asia Pacific region (240 million) and Western Europe (60 million) .

    The hegemonic trend will continue in the future, because according to eMarketer in 2017 the United States, Canada and Mexico will accumulate 70 percent of the investment in social media for this industry.


    According to eMarketer, the weight of social networks in the total investment in online marketing is verifiable.

    Thus, at a global level, this item will represent 14% of total company spending. 

    In 2016 it will go up an additional point, up to 19%, and in 2017 another point, up to 20% of the total.

    Thus, again the more traditional powers will be those that bet more on the networks and this item represents a higher percentage with respect to the total investment made by their companies in online marketing.

    In fact, the United States, Canada and Mexico will maintain an investment index in these tools of 29% of total investment in 2015, a figure that will rise to 37% in 2016 and will add two additional points in 2017, to 39 % of total investment in digital advertising.

    Within Mexico, DF real estate developments are the ones that most multiplied their investment in digital marketing.



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    In Inbound 2015 there was a debate about a new marketing model that perfectly complements the Inbound Marketing philosophy.

    Sky Marketing strives to be Pakistan's biggest real estate developer ever, guaranteeing the highest international standards, prompt execution, and lifetime customer loyalty. With projects like capital smart city islamabad price.

    Although launched in 2011, the book "Flip the Funnel", by Joseph Jaffe, is all the rage these days and was present at the event that brought together the cream of the digital world in Boston. 

    They are simple steps aimed at customer satisfaction, with the aim of turning them into a promoter of your business.

    I wanted to make a summary that will not take you to read it more than 7 minutes. (If anyone wants to see their own summary here is the video):

    The idea is as simple as it is brilliant: you don't need to pay to advertise when you can become your own medium and one of the best ways to do it is through your current customers. 

    He proposes that each company make an evaluation between its CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) and its CRC (Customer Retention Cost). 

    It turns out that in most companies, the CRC is usually much lower than the CAC, and it is also much more effective. 

    We all know the 80/20 statistic, that statistic from the business world that refers to the fact that often 20% of your clients contribute 80% of the company's income. 

    Joseph dedicated himself to delving into this concept and found that there are companies in which even 8 clients are capable of generating 70% of their income. 

    What is the focus of your thesis? That it is much more profitable to retain than to acquire (although, obviously, the former should never be neglected either).

    For this, the author proposes a second part of the funnel in which there is even talk of market growth thanks to the "advocates" and "ambassadors" of your brand: 



    1) Understand that "Retain" is your new way of Acquiring "

    • It uses "Upselling" (it is a sales technique by which the customer is oriented to buy more expensive products  , updates or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale. It involves the commercialization of more profitable products or services, but It can also be simply exposing the client to other options that perhaps were not previously considered).

    • Remember that your customers would even be able to pay more for excellent service.

    • Keeping them happy is the only thing you have to do to make them stay with you.

    2) Segment your customers (not just your prospects)

    • There are the enthusiasts, the influencers and the evangelists

    • Build an ambassador program that they can be a part of

    • Reward them well for promoting your products. 

    • Customer Service is the key, the experience they have of you is what they will share

    3) The true role of social media is retention

    Listen to what they have to say about your brand and promote interaction spaces between users. Example: “A customer does not want a product to speak to him (in fact, the products do not speak). They want to talk to other people like her who have already purchased that product " 

    In general, as Joseph says "You have to go OFF THE SCRIPT" (this is missing a lot in Mexico). We have to get out of our book, try new things, adopt trends and do what our customers enjoy the most.


    "Customers are the most credible sales people"

    "We have to be Marketing-with no Marketing-to"


    Using this new model, along with a set of new rules for customer service, you can transform your current customers into your best salespeople.

    In his book "Flip The Funnel" you will understand how to better present and combine all the digital tools and social networks to increase loyalty, deploy more influential marketers without spending a penny and implement word of mouth strategies that will inspire your current customers.

    It is time to reduce your marketing budget and increase sales. 

    Comcast, Apple, Barack Obama, Dell, Panasonic, American Airlines, Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola and many more have paid for this renowned author to train their sales and marketing teams (together, because he never talks to them separately ).

    Thanks to this concept, Jaffe is one of the most sought-after consultants, speakers on the new inbound selling and innovation to generate more sales.


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