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Everything posted by nbrecke

  1. # DelFix v1.011 - Logfile created 01/12/2015 at 10:32:17 # Updated 18/08/2015 by Xplode # Username : kcclick - KC-PC # Operating System : Windows 8 (64 bits) ~ Removing disinfection tools ... Deleted : C:\_OTL Deleted : C:\AdwCleaner Deleted : C:\Users\kcclick\Desktop\adwcleaner_5.022.exe Deleted : C:\Users\kcclick\Desktop\DDS Log.txt Deleted : C:\Users\kcclick\Desktop\dds.txt Deleted : C:\Users\kcclick\Desktop\Extras.Txt Deleted : C:\Users\kcclick\Desktop\JRT.exe Deleted : C:\Users\kcclick\Desktop\JRT.txt Deleted : C:\Users\kcclick\Desktop\OTL.Txt Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\AdwCleaner #########
  2. I believe I have finished all of the steps. I still have all of those logs open on my taskbar I was not sure if it was ok to exit them out yet and was not sure if there was more I needed to do. my computer is doing great though I definitely appreciate the help. Let me know what else I need to do when you have the time thank you
  3. OTL Extras logfile created on: 11/29/2015 5:09:19 AM - Run 1 OTL by OldTimer - Version Folder = C:\Users\kcclick\Desktop 64bit- An unknown product (Version = 6.2.9200) - Type = NTWorkstation Internet Explorer (Version = 9.10.9200.16599) Locale: 00000409 | Country: United States | Language: ENU | Date Format: M/d/yyyy 3.46 Gb Total Physical Memory | 1.30 Gb Available Physical Memory | 37.62% Memory free 6.71 Gb Paging File | 4.07 Gb Available in Paging File | 60.56% Paging File free Paging file location(s): ?:\pagefile.sys [binary data] %SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\W
  4. OTL logfile created on: 11/29/2015 5:09:19 AM - Run 1 OTL by OldTimer - Version Folder = C:\Users\kcclick\Desktop 64bit- An unknown product (Version = 6.2.9200) - Type = NTWorkstation Internet Explorer (Version = 9.10.9200.16599) Locale: 00000409 | Country: United States | Language: ENU | Date Format: M/d/yyyy 3.46 Gb Total Physical Memory | 1.30 Gb Available Physical Memory | 37.62% Memory free 6.71 Gb Paging File | 4.07 Gb Available in Paging File | 60.56% Paging File free Paging file location(s): ?:\pagefile.sys [binary data] %SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\WINDOWS
  5. DDS (Ver_2012-11-20.01) - NTFS_AMD64 Internet Explorer: 10.0.9200.16537 BrowserJavaVersion: 10.72.2 Run by kcclick at 4:18:18 on 2015-11-29 Microsoft Windows 8 6.2.9200.0.1252.1.1033.18.3546.1083 [GMT -7:00] . AV: Windows Defender *Disabled/Updated* {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} AV: Norton Internet Security *Enabled/Updated* {63DF5164-9100-186D-2187-8DC619EFD8BF} SP: Windows Defender *Disabled/Updated* {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} SP: Norton Internet Security *Enabled/Updated* {D8BEB080-B73A-17E3-1B37-B6B462689202} FW: Norton Internet Security *Enabled* {5BE4D041-DB6F-1935
  6. . UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INSTRUCTED, DO NOT POST THIS LOG. IF REQUESTED, ZIP IT UP & ATTACH IT . DDS (Ver_2012-11-20.01) . Microsoft Windows 8 Boot Device: \Device\HarddiskVolume2 Install Date: 11/27/2015 5:38:43 PM System Uptime: 11/28/2015 11:14:20 PM (5 hours ago) . Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard | | 2178 Processor: AMD A4-1250 APU with Radeon HD Graphics | Socket FT1 | 1000/100mhz . ==== Disk Partitions ========================= . C: is FIXED (NTFS) - 271 GiB total, 176.186 GiB free. D: is FIXED (NTFS) - 25 GiB total, 2.576 GiB free. . ==== Disabled Device Manager Items ============= .
  7. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware www.malwarebytes.org Scan Date: 11/29/2015 Scan Time: 3:07 AM Logfile: scan log for malwarebytes.txt Administrator: Yes Version: Malware Database: v2015.11.28.05 Rootkit Database: v2015.11.26.01 License: Premium Malware Protection: Enabled Malicious Website Protection: Enabled Self-protection: Disabled OS: Windows 8 CPU: x64 File System: NTFS User: kcclick Scan Type: Threat Scan Result: Completed Objects Scanned: 365326 Time Elapsed: 25 min, 22 sec Memory: Enabled Startup: Enabled Filesystem: Enabled Archives: Enabled Rootkits: Disabled Heuristics: Enabled
  8. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) by Malwarebytes Version: 8.0.1 (11.24.2015) Operating System: Windows 8 x64 Ran by kcclick (Administrator) on Sat 11/28/2015 at 23:54:05.67 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File System: 1 Successfully deleted: C:\Program Files (x86)\mp3 rocket (Folder) Registry: 3 Successfully deleted: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\\GoogleChromeAutoLaunch_95C2DE3AEFF7D061CFC202EAF667743B (Registry Value) Successfully deleted: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\S
  9. # AdwCleaner v5.022 - Logfile created 28/11/2015 at 23:10:40 # Updated 22/11/2015 by Xplode # Database : 2015-11-22.2 [server] # Operating system : Windows 8 (x64) # Username : kcclick - KC-PC # Running from : C:\Users\kcclick\Desktop\adwcleaner_5.022.exe # Option : Cleaning # Support : http://toolslib.net/forum ***** [ Services ] ***** ***** [ Folders ] ***** ***** [ Files ] ***** [-] File Deleted : C:\Users\Public\Desktop\eBay.lnk ***** [ DLLs ] ***** ***** [ Shortcuts ] ***** [-] Shortcut Disinfected : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\AMD Start Now Technology.lnk *****
  10. My computer my husband bought for me brand new and I have only used it maybe a hand full of times because for one it runs and loads soooooo slowly, as well as having many many pop-ups. Everytime you try to open the web or even just turning the computer on there are many different junk pop ups