The Cure For Terrorisim?

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No judgements on its political correctness....

Infidel's Revenge Pen


P.S. At the request of someone I respect, I am going to add a bit of the reason I posted this link.

I am sincerely conflicted about the use of this pen. On one hand, I empathize with people who might be offended by the use of a religious taboo in such a way. But I balance that against the the possibility that if something like this could stop a single nutcase from killing one busload of innocent women a children anywhere in the world it would be worth accepting the moral outrage of people who feel insulted. Perhaps that is my culture, my upbringing, my country, but if feeling personally insulted is the price I pay for a single life of an innocent anywhere in the world feel free to make me the whipping boy for the entire planet.

I will however grant, that since I am on the heels of hearing of a Turkish film starring Billy Zane and Gary Busey where Zane plays a US Military commander that captures Arab children and turns them over to a Jewish doctor so he could harvest organs for sale to Jews and Americas it may not be the best time for me to comment in a logical way. When comic strips send people on murderous flag burning rampages, it is a little difficult for me to feel sympathy for the insulted.

BH <again>


Edited by Brian_Holiday
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