Vc++ Error? Using String

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ok here is my final project usign the string funtions.

plus I found a search code I am not sure what it does.. and some explanation would be helpful

here is the program

 //extra credit

using namespace std;

//function prototypes
void clear_screen();
string Check (const string& );
string make_lower(const string& );
string check_Punctuation(const string& , const string& );

//main function
int main()
//local varables
 char LineToCheck[255];
     string TestInput,SetToTest;

//get input and hold it in char LineToCheck, convert to string to edit and check
cout << "Enter Line that could be a palendrome:" << endl;
//get input in form required can recive up to 255 char

//place input into string to process
TestInput = LineToCheck;

SetToTest = Check(TestInput);

//compair original input - punctuation and capitialization aginst
//input reverst using the inherent string class reverses
if (  SetToTest == string(SetToTest.rbegin(), SetToTest.rend()) )
cout << "your input is a palendrome" << endl;

cout << "your input is not a palendrome" << endl;

return 0;

//------Clear Screen--------------------------------------------------------
void clear_screen()
#if defined WIN32
system ("cls");
#elif defined UNIX
system ("clear");
//------Check loop----------------------------------------------------------
string Check (const string& s)
//create loop local strings
string punctuation(",;:.?!'\" ");
string TestString;
string LowerCheck (s);

//make all char lower case
LowerCheck = make_lower(LowerCheck);
//remove puctuation
TestString = check_Punctuation(punctuation, LowerCheck);

return TestString;

//------make lower case-----------------------------------------------------
string make_lower(const string& s)
   string holder(s);
   for (int i = 0; i < s.length( ); i++)
       //tolower is part of the cctype lib returns lowercase version of c if there is one,
// otherwise it returns the character unchanged.
holder[i] = tolower(s[i]);

   return holder;

//remove Punctuation funtion
string check_Punctuation(const string& punct, const string& Holder)
   //funtion only string
   string no_punctuation;
   //set variables to hold length of string for loops
   int holder_length = Holder.length( );
   int punct_length = punct.length( );

   for (int i = 0; i < holder_length; i++)
        //create a 1 char string to hold the test canadate
 string SingleChar = Holder.substr(i,1);
        //Find location of successive characters that are in string punct that
 int locationOfChar = punct.find(SingleChar, 0);
     // SingleChar not in punct, so keep it
     if (locationOfChar < 0 || locationOfChar >= punct_length)
        no_punctuation = no_punctuation + SingleChar;

   return no_punctuation;

this compiles and runs from G++ and Dev_c++ windows but in VC++ I get this error

error C2665: 'basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class ::allocator<char> >::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >' : none of the 7 overloads can convert parameter 1 from type 'class std::reverse_iterator<char *,char,char &,char *,int>'

Error executing cl.exe.

I don't know why this is wrong as on the MS developer site it show the same example.

also this is the code I found for punctuation.. I undersand most of it.. but this part

 if (locationOfChar < 0 || locationOfChar >= punct_length)
        no_punctuation = no_punctuation + SingleChar;

make no sence.. at least not the or part.. I can see if location of punct = 0 then its not a punctuation but the or location being greater or = to the length of punct lost..


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this compiles and runs from G++ and Dev_c++ windows but in VC++ I get this error
error C2665: 'basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class ::allocator<char> >::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >' : none of the 7 overloads can convert parameter 1 from type 'class std::reverse_iterator<char *,char,char &,char *,int>'

Error executing cl.exe.

I don't know why this is wrong as on the MS developer site it show the same example.

It compiles without complaints with the Visual C++ Toolkit 2003.

also this is the code I found for punctuation.. I undersand most of it.. but this part

 if (locationOfChar < 0 || locationOfChar >= punct_length)
        no_punctuation = no_punctuation + SingleChar;

make no sence.. at least not the or part.. I can see if location of punct = 0 then its not a punctuation but the or location being greater or = to the length of punct lost..

find() is defined as returning sting::npos if the search fails. string::npos is defined as a value of type string::size_type, initialized according to the standard to a value -1. size_type is unsigned, so -1 produces the largest value of size_type (-1 is all-bits-one). The left-hand side of the || handles the case where locationOfChar is interpreted as a signed value (-1) and the right-hand side handles the case where it's an unsigned value.

That expression could be replaced by

if (locationOfChar != -1)

or something similar, but this would be preferable

string::size_type locationOfChar;
// ...
if (locationOfChar != string::npos)

because it makes the intent clear and ensures that that string::npos can be represented by locationOfChar. On a typical 64-bit (I32LP64) platform, size_type will be wider than int, so assigning the return value of find() to an int will result in truncation.

Edited by jcl
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so in either case its looking that it did not find anthing contained in string punct..

I'll re-read the string and cctype funtions with this explanation .. see if I can make better sence..

I'll also try your method and see if I can play with it..


as to not compiling.. for school we have to use VC++ V6 introductory edition version. so its old..

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as to not compiling.. for school we have to use VC++ V6 introductory edition version. so its old..

Ah. That version might not have the needed ctor.

Incidentally, VC++ didn't conform to ISO C++ until very recently so if you continue to use it you may find yourself adapting a lot of code. The Mozilla C++ portability guide is worth looking over.

Edited by jcl
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I have been gong over hte guid.. now my brain herts..

I have lots to learn..

but have one more c++ calss before they let me take jave ... hmm wite once run everywere.... well everywhere with a VM that is..

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