Using Wordpress 3.01 for Multiple Blogs

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I have been playing around with Wordpress 3.01 and have found it to be robust and pretty slick. Yesterday I was asked to enable multiple Websites using Wordpress. If you are using anything Prior to wordpress 2.8, you can use Wordpress MU (Multiuser). However, in Wordpress 3.0.x this functionality is built right in. Problem is that when you follow the instructions About Creating a Wordpress Network They tell you to first do:

The menu item to set up the network is hidden by default, so we have to allow it to be shown. Open up

your wp-config file right on the server, or download it, edit it and re-upload. You'll be adding this line:

define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

Put this line somewhere in the middle of the wp-config.php file, not at the top or bottom. At the bottom

is under the /* That's all stop editing */ area and anything new under there will not be read by


If you are copy-pasting from Windows, please make sure the quotes do not turn into curly quotes like

“. You want these ones: ' Otherwise, the line will not be read and you won't see the Network menu

item. This define statement's sole purpose is to show us the menu item. That's it.

Save the wp-config.php file, go to the admin area of WordPress and you'll see the Network menu item

under Tools. Click It

However, if you follow the directions EXACTLY as they are written, when you follow them, create the .htaccess file, and make edits to wp-config.php Then Click Login on the Network setup, you are supposed to see a "SuperAdmin Panel" - You will NOT SEE this panel, unless you follow these instructions:

I finally found the shXt problem caused the super admin no show, it is because the steps first ask you to add a line :

define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

and then after you enable the network, it ask you to add some more lines:

and the first one is:

define( 'MULTISITE', true );

They looks very alike and I thought I have already add that one, and pass that line.

Suggest move

define( 'MULTISITE', true );

to second line

So, to make this work, do this:

define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);
define( 'MULTISITE', true );

ADD these two lines THEN follow the rest of the instrructions the way thay are written, and you will see the Superadmin Panel - This information was MISSING from the instructions from the first link, and I followed the instructions exactly with bad results -added the define( 'MULTISITE', true ); to the secind line, edited the files as instructed, added the keys they wanted, and BOOM - all done!!

[NOTE: Please Note that you should NOT use Wordpad, Notepad or a Word Processor to edit these files. You can use Nano/Pico or Metapad] This is especially important if working on windows machines, because editing these with anything other then Metapad can muck them up and make them unusable.

I post this here for anyone else that may need it - something tells me I will need it later!!


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Recently activated this for a private site. Quite easy.

I wanted to share subscribers across the site, but didn't want to manually go through 200+ users. So I installed the Multisite User Management plugin and it took care of this for me.


This sounds cool. I just had a problem with the fact that I went to about 10 sites looking for information about this, found the configuaration steps, then after doing them, the Superadmin panel was "missing." The allowMultisite=true piece was MISSING from the instructions I used, so I found that in a Wordpres blog, added it to the site I was setting up, then added it here - I don't want to have to search like that again heheeheh :) Oh well, such is LIFE hehehe

I wish that these instructions were already there to start with, as Wordpres 3.0.x can do Multisites without using Wordpress MU - You just have to update Wordpress from version 2.8.x to 3.0.x and thats easy, then you can add the configs - Just make sure to backup copies of wp-config.php and .htaccess (if .htaccess exixts) and use Metapad and NOT notepad or wordpad if using windows, or yeeeeeeeach, what a MESS :(

Glad its working well for you!!


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