Bet On Obama

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here is a snippet making the rounds of the

deep south news media

a betting shop in australia eccepted

bets that obama would be elected president

now he has been elected

they wont pay out until he has been inorgerated

because they feel he might be


before the event

for god sake

what next

the australian internal affairs are investgating

as it might spark some one to do it to save their bet

my god isnt a human life any thing any more

thats disgusting

tho the ozzys are the biggest gamblers of us all


Edited by martymas
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My "gut" feeling is this is being blown out of proportion. How many people bet that Obama would NOT be elected (or inaugurated), and how BIG would they have to have bet to be tempted to force the issue? One person? Ten? And out of the likely few that thought McCain would win and bet a huge amount on it, how many of those could orchestrate an international assasination?

The odds of that happening must approach zero.


I can't believe they reneged on their wager that he'd be "elected" by claiming he must assume office before they'll pay off. That wasn't the BET!


Edited by JDoors
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Just before the election the Vegas Odds makers were rating him at -800, IE if you bet 800 payback would be one dollar.

On the other hand, they put McCain at +600 meaning if you bet one dollar you would get 600

Wonder what odds they had that they can't make the payoff.

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