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Everything posted by mikex

  1. UPDATE Pulled a 120 gig backup drive from my primary machine, dumped the data from it to the primary drive. Installed xp in the XPS machine on the 120. Copying the files to the 120 as I type. Googleing "how may gray hairs will I get to downgrade from vista to XP?" M Another Update By 10:30 pm all data to be saved was copied and XP loaded on the raid volume and Saved Data being copied back to the raid volume.
  2. raid is fixed thanks. next is to temp repair of vista so I can try to move data off....OR downgrade from Vista to xp pro, from cmd prompt, with out losing data-long shot. GRRRR M ^^^After thought Being this is a raid 0 would I be able to use an adaptor like the one you ordered to recover data? Again it is dual 250g hdds. but showing less than 200 mb free? Excuse me as I am not in to raid arrays. M
  3. Great minds.... I kept going back to that one also. post back on the quality/performance/good/bad/ugly thoughts on it, after you had it for a bit.
  4. they are thanks pass on a word of thanks to the friend also. M Looking at newegg for gender changers. can come in real handy. laptop drives, sata drives, and ide drives all through usb. need to order one.
  5. there is a ---Press CTRL-I to enter configuration utility....------ I didn't try it, went to bed instead. Will try this evening if the wife does not have me working 'till midnight when I get home. Thanks. M
  6. I am looking at a Dell XPS 3.xx cpu, 2gig ram. dual WD 250 HDD in a RAID ARRAY. The guy used his vista cd from his dell laptop to upgrade his dell xp pro desktop to vista. The activation period expired, he could not get in to anything on the XPS. I was going to copy the hdd to my machine to backup his data. After I pulled the SATA cable I realized that was a no go because I do not have SATA on my machine. Now during boot it shows RAID striped Failed. The bios will see both hdd's but shows neither as bootable. I tried booting with XP in to the recovery console but it shows the drives not access
  7. Has anyone have a comment about National Human Resources . com? I got an email from them and it looks legit, wanting to get input first. M
  8. Give Boyd Coddington 6 weeks and it will look better than ever. Put it on a tour for a year or two of auto events then bury it again with the same things it had back then. Beer, Oil, Gas, GPS navigation, and XM radio. Coat it and pack it better. M
  9. Charge your self $50 for the repair. LOL If you are thinking about getting inside of the CRT be very careful the capacitors hold LOTS of charge for quite sometime. M
  10. If she will be using the DSL to work from home, the IT guys at her job should be able to help her. If it for her to use personally....well....Have you tried Last Known Good Config. from the Safe Mode boot option screen? Have you booted into safe mode to remove the DSL sofeware?
  11. mikex

    Seat Belts

    Don't want to hi jack the thread but...... A few years ago I had a Mercury Sable station wagon. I was driving my two kids were asleep in the back seat. One in a car seat the other laying on the seat. A car came on to the highway from a rural road. I was doing 60 mph. I T-Boned him, put him across the center median in on coming traffic. Damage: His car totaled. Mine totaled. The spare tire was bolted inside under a cover, the bolt sheered. The tire was like it was layed over, nearly no movement. The front of my car was shifted to the right about 6 inches. Our wallets were in the glove compartm
  12. Downloaded the monitor and never was able to get it to give temp readings. I ran all the spyware apps I had, each remove 1 or 2 items the first go round. All camae clean after a reboot and anouther round of scans. It ran from 11 pm until 7 am no shutdown.....still going.....?! Thanks guys. M
  13. I have an inspiron 5100 2 gig processor, 512 ram that shuts down after about 20-30 minutes. This happens in safe mode under admin, both users in normal mode, and even if I do not log on to a user. The computer is running on AC power. The laptop is not set for power down after x minutes. It has heat on the underside but I have felt a laptop get hotter, not this one though. I am scratching my head....... M
  14. Now have them go back into the router and make a backup og the config. This will help to reconfigure the router later if things go sour again. M
  15. The cd will save a a bit of time....but there are still loads of updates after it. M
  16. Computer can ping and run tracert to sites on the internet. FF nor IE6 access thee internet. Anytime an app is opened the cpu usage pegs at 100% for like a minute or so. Has a 1.7gHz processor and 512 of ram. Ram usage is in the 200k neighborhood. Posted in the HJT section and got a clean bill of health. Any ideas? M
  17. bumping for review...
  18. Ok how hard is that going to be? I knew a gentleman who "fixed" satellite cards a few years ago. He had numerous people in the local government watching free PPV. Well when the feds came he was notified before they left the courthouse. Then he was on vacation until all was clear. Damn small town politics.....LOL M
  19. This is the deadline for ISP's to be compliant. The fed's want a place in the ISP's network to gather the info, but there is no standard of what the output format will need to be for the data collected. They will also need a subpoena to get the data. Also start watching your bills, some companies are also increasing their bills a little because the cost to purchase the equipment and the manpower to get compliant and data to the law enforcement agencies. M
  20. ***Bumped for review*** Computer can ping and run tracert to sites on the internet. FF nor IE6 access thee internet. Anytime an app is opened the cpu usage pegs at 100% for like a minute or so. Has a 1.7gHz processor and 512 of ram. Ram usage is in the 200k neighborhood. Will post a question in the PC section of the forum after I get a clean log. M Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 10:56:41 AM, on 5/11/2007 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe C:\W
  21. I want to put the problem below in an excel sheet. I figure this is more along the lines of programing..... S = Salary per period. this will vary but the period total will be listed in cell G16 X = Number of personal exemptions claimed for withholding; X may be 0, 1, or 2. this will be 2 Y = Number of dependency credits claimed for withholding; Y may be 0 or greater. this will be 2 M = Income Brackets for tax rate change. If X = 0 or 1, then M1 = $12,500, and M2 = $25,000 If X = 2, then M1 = $25,000, and M2 = $50,000 N = Number of pay-periods per year (for example, weekly = 52 or monthly =12).
  22. Link I would comment on this but I know they are reading our posts already. Oh I can't help it. I can see the benefit of this in determining an accident, BUT where will it stop. We will be fed "it is the best for you" statements until we are living the 1984 Mac commercial. M
  23. Had some told to me and now I use some.
  24. Jeesh, my first was an '80 Camero. Only thing "stock was the oil pan. Ran it hard for a few years until I got my first "new" ride. I would run Valvoline 20-50. Oil would be like water after a few days from the heat of the engine. (I guess). Let a friend make a "spin" on night, camee back with the tranny cooler line spewing oil. From that night on it had to be manually shifted. But she still ran..... Driving the wifes had me down Windstar. Don't laugh, make a nice covered truck. Took the 3rd row seat out. It is at 180.8k and still kickin'. I am pushing for 200k+. I add about 50-60 miles per d