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Everything posted by mikex

  1. mikex

    A First For Me

    We humans, like a good soup opera. If I laid the whole story out, Jeff may have to get more server space. LOL I had the second interview this afternoon. I was told I will get a call tomorrow with a salary offer. Things are looking up..... M
  2. mikex

    A First For Me

    The first n5-10 minutes were tense then we talked like civil people. I gave everyone (3 people) in the office a hug and told them they can call me if there is anything I can do for them. Added info: Have another interview with an IT company close to home. Hoping to get a decent offer for salary. They have full insurance, boy will that be nice. Have not had health insurance since I had back surgery in '01. M
  3. dang it you didn't need the hammer. *mikex pats Liz on the back. Job well done. M
  4. mikex

    A First For Me

    I formally quit my job this morning. I have never quit a job without a comfirmation date to start the next. I have some very promising prospects, but not that comfirmation. I feel good/releived and excited to move on. My wife is nervous but releived also. Anways with out going into detail like a soap opera that is what happened for me today. M
  5. I sent a machine in once. Then never again....$80 bucks and the tech could/would not say what he did. M
  6. mikex


    I don't know about the animals, but the one about the people is true,
  7. While your out make sure you get a hammer. just in case it does not want to go your way.... Just kidding. You will be fine. Tell your son how hard it was and hint about how much your car needs a wash and wax.......your the mom you can play the guilt card. good luck. Let us know how it went. M
  8. do you have some repeat customers for spyware/virus removal? if so use logmein free to remotely clean it. I have about 20 on LMI free and they call when something gets funky, I check it out, call them with a price to fix. If they want it done it gets done, if not they live with it. I also have a couple that I do free upkeep, no charge because the tip covers it. Just a thought for you to make more. M
  9. and it comes when I need it most. I thank GOD for that. M
  10. This is a sideline job, a hobby of sorts. I don't "make" any money to really speak of, more like milk money. I do this for the place where I presently work, BUT when people come to my home after hours I feel I can do that at home. The people know where I work and who I work for. They say they want me to do it and want me to get paid.....
  11. Yup. Got confirmation today, ordered mobo this morning. M
  12. $200 parts and labor. Remove dust + lint Replace MoBo Data backup. OS install + update + replace data on HDD AV install + update + set schedule Spybot install + update Cleanup + Ccleaner installed M
  13. Just orders 2, got a discount on shipping. LOL M
  14. Copy your profile folder for FF to a safe place, then reinstall it. Can't hurt. M
  15. Swapped psu's still same problems. Now I do not think the client wants to repair the machine. For the cost involved to save data on hdd and reinstall OS..... M
  16. I do have a psu to test with. Will try it tomorrow evening. will post back with the outcome.
  17. I have a client with a MS-6577 ver. 4 mobo, it does not boot to BIOS. PSU, case fans, and cpu fan spin up. No front lights no post beeps. Last time it worked was just before a power outage during a bad weather. I am thinking the board is dead. I am looking at this board as a replacement. I know the client does not want to spend much. M Edited the link.
  18. SAN FRANCISCO Judge OK warrantless monitoring of web use. Privacy rules don't apply to Internet messages, court says.
  19. Reboot....LOL Keep us posted. We can send emails to the powers that be....
  20. I am behind shanenin on this. You could also put together smooth wall fire wall, basicly an older computer with firewall software which all computers connect through it. I think you can do url restrictions with an appliance like this also depending on the software. Great for if kids are on the network. I do know mikrotik can be run from a p2 or p3 machine with like 256 megs of ram and a small hard drive. mikrotik will run on a 64 mb compact flash. M
  21. Must be out of ink, my faxes are not printing. LOL
  22. I use it along with Cleanup and ATF no problems so far. I like the fact that it has a "mild" registry cleaner that asks to make a backup before making changes. Reg cleaners can get folks in to some deep poo. I have it on my portable drive, able to install it quick and painlessly. M
  23. Days like that make me want to lose all self control. I am glad you were able to get the repair done the same day. I am looking at replacing the AC on my wifes 03 Expedition. The replacing will not be a problem as it is easy to get to. The problem is cost of parts and replacing the r-134a. M
  24. WOW. She is blessed.