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Everything posted by mikex

  1. mikex

    Who To Trust?

    Attn all Linux folks.... If this thread hijacking continues you will receive a copy of WinME, and be force to use it as you OS. Let this be your warning. M
  2. Elton John Paper or Plastic
  3. I think most all members had a bit of the G4 rant at one time or another, on this board and others. I was so upset about the out of control situation at G4 I had to apologize to the mods, after al it was the cfh members who nominated them. Now I feel we threw them to the lions err rats. But there are people who can actually overlook all the childishness there and continue to have semi-sane community. M
  4. mikex

    Garden Work

    An old Arab lived close to New York City for more than 40 years. He would have loved to plant potatoes in his garden, but he is alone, old and weak. His son is in college in Paris, so the old man sends him an e-mail. He explains the problem: "Beloved son, I am very sad, because I can't plant potatoes in my garden. I am sure, if only you were here, you would help and dig up the garden for me. I love you, Your Father" The following day, the old man receives a response e-mail from his son: "Beloved Father, Please don't touch the garden. It's there that I have hidden 'the THING'. I love you, too,
  5. Your router is giving you an addy as if you were networked in you home. you machine 2 and so on. When you connect straight to the net, no router, you will see the addy your isp assigns you, assuming you do not have a static ip (an ip addy that never changes) this will change each time you logon to your isp. Your isp gives you an addy when you connect through a router but you can't see it. If you are connected without a router you can get an idea ip the ip "block" your isp is using by connecting checking your ip, disconnecting wait, reconnect. Your ip addy should chan
  6. mikex

    Tss Name No More

    Phoenix A board that lived years ago and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes, the move in here at Jeff's place. Oh and stay back I think it's shedding or something. M
  7. burger firewall hardware/software/smoothwall
  8. All the googling I've done come back with info about this on severs. Sorry could get you info sooner. M
  9. ~hangs head talks with accent~ wenders want to get into linux. monitor type
  10. Battery issue?? Link 1 What machine is it, make model. If custom what motherboard manufacture. You will need to boot to the BIOS. Go through each option and write the settings on paper. Call you local electronics stores, radio shack, circuit city, or best buy, to see if they carry the battery. Open computer case, find the battery, replace. Boot back into the BIOS put settings as they were before. Google search for error. How To with pics. M
  11. mikex

    Who To Trust?

    Here is something that hit me yesterday. The E in the Dell logo and the E for Enron??? Look similar. A plot to rule the world, oil and pc's M
  12. I have done it with a friend. Sending loads of pics from the drag races... Password protect thier login. Ues letters and numbers for the password. Call the person to give the password if possible. Don't keep the ftp accessable after the xfer is complete. If setting up again later for a second xfer change the password. M
  13. mikex

    Who To Trust?

    Link Can we say prey on the meek? M
  14. What M$ says. I googled this also many 98/ME people are having this run constantly. Many have used msconfig to stop it with no problems. Some also use ME's sys restore to go back to an earlier restore point. Sorry I don't have a definite answer for you. M
  15. Happy Birthday, you don't look a day over 25. M