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Everything posted by mikex

  1. He didn't earn any. You earn based on what you know or do....
  2. Nice one. pat on the back for oracle.
  3. Congrats to the 2k's. Looked back we only have like less than70 people with over 100 post. Many lurkers.
  4. I think the responces you will get will be devided based on location population. I am like Bubba Bob. Doors unlocked sleep good at night. I live where we don have 6* of sepreation. Here if you don't know someone you do know a close family member. About 32,000 in the parish where I live, county to you other folks.LOL. And as of 2000 there was a spread of about 48 people per square mile for the parish. M
  5. The AC filter was my first thought, I like the K&N idea also. Don't forget about frotecting the plug ends while they are not in use. Don't want to get trash on them and try to service a vehicle, may get errore returned. You could use a receptical from a totaled car fro this. Send it to the Paint/Body shop fot some color also, I' sure they can fine "leftover" paint. Get down to Wal-Mart and et some sticker printer paper, print a besttechie banner to slap on the side, with the url. <New members joins> hi all I was just down at the chevy dealer to get <service/> done and I notice
  6. 12lostcause12 has it. Make sure the folders are shared. I can't think of anything else. M
  7. fart in the tub.... Bubble bath...LOL
  8. OOOO Lobbiest that is what we need.... Damn guys will be so screwed up because we are so diverse here. The only thing we all really have in common is computers and the desire to help others learn the Bill Gates aint the greatest. but he is 'aight. M
  9. <whispering> I just seen them get into a black van in the alley. </whispering>
  10. How the studying for the drivers test going? M
  11. That was cool. I was able to read it with no problem.
  12. Hey Spazmatic check out this link and start calling http://www.part-15.org/maps/WISPLocate.asp?ID=TX M
  13. night/day but we became friends then lovers.... We laugh at the stupid things the other does, because that was the reason to do the stupid thing. M
  14. Spazmatic Tell him bullsh!t. I do this where I am. What he is providing is unacceptable. He shouldhave seen if the signal was a problem on install. Do you have line of sight (LOS) from your antenna (CPE) to the tower (AP) below? If so then signal shoud not be the problem unless the equipment at your location is crap. What kind of router are you using, yours of was this from them. What kind of equipment do you have outside, descride if you don't know brand. We will walk away from a potential customer if we are not positive we can give good service. Better not to have that customer than to have
  15. No Chevron will do all Exploration and Drilling. Then just let if FLOW in to Valdez harbor in tribute to the dead animals from Exxon Valdez accident. That was wrong, but what the he!!. M
  16. Keep records of pings and tracerts. It will give you something to stand on when making a complaint with your ISP. Log every dropped connection. M