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Everything posted by mikex

  1. mikex


    He was last online on Dec. 25th. I don't think he would fine you were intruding on his personal time if you PM'ed him to check on his health. If he does tell him I said it was ok. LOL Seriously this is what make BT the place it is, checking on each other. M
  2. I have a 2 year old HP on the bench doing the same thing. Reseated all connectors and cards including ram. Don't have a PSU. Odd thing is that the machine has been on the bench for well over a year. I was working fine last time it was powered on, over a year ago. Now the customer wants it back. Go figure. Will track the suggestions and results of this thread, might help me. M
  3. Cost...depends on how good you are at social engineering. How good you are at making the person on the other end want to help you. When they come on the line make sure you get their first name. Call them by their first name during the conversation. The whole thing is to be nice and patient, the person you will speak to will possibly be a middle eastern, by the sound of the accents I hear when calling Dell. I called the number for out of warranty parts/service. The Jan. 4th thing, (hint) maybe you thought the warranty expired the beginning of Feb?? (/hint) The few times I had contact with Dell
  4. Newer Dell machines may be restored by holding the control key while tapping the F11 key during reboot. Also you can call before your warranty expires or very soon there after and get the OS and software cd's mailed to you. Remember to be nice, and patient. Just food for thought. M <<<<<Disclaimer>>>>> This is not intended for theft of OS or software. Dell has questions to validate the ownership system. This is intended for users to have a copy of the OS and software that came with their computer in the event the hard drive fails and needs replacing. MODS if this
  5. Spammers using poxies from Asia....go figure....guess that have something to hide.
  6. Rock, Noon yesterday I got the cd package from computer owner. They said just reinstall OS, nothing of value on the machine. Sorry I should have posted an update. M
  7. On the site they have the instructions just above the link to download the exe. M
  8. Rock, Any update on what actions I should take with this POS?
  9. I like LogMeIn free. Install software on the home machine and then you can access the machine from a browser interface. M
  10. I ran HJT between uninstalling AVG Free and Installing Kaspersky free trial. Please check it out and let me know what the prognosis is. AVG shows clean but online scanners at Symantec and Trendmicro show virus/spyware. I have AVG antispyware installed and ran. CCleaner ran and cleaned. I also have LogMeIn free installed. Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 12:53:18 PM, on 1/3/2007 Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 (6.00.2600.0000) Running processes: C:\WINNT\System32\smss.exe C:\WINNT\system32\winlogon.exe C:\WINNT\system32\services.exe C:\WINNT\syst
  11. I googled xbox hard drive and replace xbox hard drive. Some mention mod chips others don't. I am guessing it depends on the version. It seems like one of the time you need to be ready to by a new xbox because you might really kill it. M
  12. The day finally arrived. Forest Gump dies and goes to Heaven. He is at the Pearly Gates, met by St. Peter himself. However, the gates are closed, and Forest approaches the gatekeeper. St. Peter said, "Well, Forest, it is certainly good to see you. We have heard a lot about you. I must tell you, though, that the place is filling up fast, and we have been administering an entrance examination for everyone. The test is short, but you have to pass it before you can get into Heaven." Forest responds, "It sure is good to be here, St. Peter, sir. But nobody ever told me about any entrance exam. I sur
  13. The trust and communication cannot start with a teenager, it has to start as a toddler. My wife got upset with me because I did not keep my kids out off situations where they may get hurt. I would tell them if this happened then this would happen latter, being a punishment or a scrape on the knee. When they did their deed it was time for the repercussions bloody knee needing to be cleaned <insert loud crying> or the punishment. If nothing happened then they did a great job either way. We have pointed out family members who are known to use drugs. This was so my kids can see the good and
  14. adding my $0.02 Both of my kids have myspace. They are 11/boy and 13/girl. Their profiles are private, ie they have to invite someone to view it. I also have their login info, this can be a whole other topic. But if trust is the issue work out an agreement you and your wife will have a myspace and will be on her friends list to be able to check in. As a parent it is your job to protect your children, but you also have to let them roam to earn trust and to learn from their mistakes. In the end if they have nothing to hide then why hide it. But the trust HAS to be a two way arrangement. M
  15. Can't give you a solid "do this to fix it" so I did the next best thing. M$ KB Article. Good luck. Keep us posted. M
  16. In the second area of the topic the user can state the OS there. M
  17. Nothing to add just seconding the format then reinstall suggestions. I have always got my bootdisk from bootdisk.com. M
  18. Posting here because it is not a problem, just something I noticed. Move it if necessary. I reinstalled XP Home on a friends machine. Started updating/rebooting blah blah blah. I just went back to the windows update scanned for updates, 75 megs for sp2, ok install it. When the download starts it is now listed as 95 megs. Now this is not a problem for me but where and why the extra 20 megs? What is Bill sending into these machines now? Just something to think about. M
  19. Is it me or has there been less spam this week? There was a tsunami in Asia earlier this week. Any connection. My spam folder at gmail has gone from 150+ spam to ~75/80 per day..... M
  20. The I told my client to schedule the backup about 2 hours after the autoscan. I think she uses Norton Internet Security.
  21. Oh come on guys, did no one read the article in full. Last paragraph: PHP is a hypertext preprocessor, which sounds very dangerous. It is believed that many users started by using Perl and moved on to the more powerful PHP. For more information on how to recognize if your child may be using PHP please visit http://www.php.net. OK by show of hands who thought this was serious........ M