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Everything posted by mikex

  1. A song in any genre is not much if you can't see the story in it. Or if you can't get the "feeling" from it. Iron Butterfly's Inagodavida was a miscommunication over the phone. It was to be "In a garden of eden" but you can get the "feel" of the music. I guess we can thank the Bell phone system for that hit. M
  2. Joe you are right Due Process. We as humans need to be responsible for our actions. We know right from wrong. And the legal system gives us they gray area to find an excuse for what we did, or a reason to blame our upbringing. The population for the whole area where I live is not enough to populate a mid sized city. I guess that makes it more upsetting. It is coming in our "backyard". I am thankful 90% of the population of my town knows me either by name or in passing. It is nice to know my kids can knock on virtually any door in town and tell the person who their parents or grandparents are
  3. Time to look at buying a machine with no OS then go done the next isle to get an install cd. TT will buy up as much as he can then sell them at a premium....HMMMM....this is not a bad idea. Just like the stock market buy low and sell high. M
  4. Ask if they can reset you account. This is just deleting the present one then making a new mail account with the same information. I did this for one of our customers. Sorry I didn't think of it earlier. Thanks guys for jogging my memory. I would bet this would solve the issue. M
  5. Will open today to check the ribbon cable for the keyboard and LCD. Moving the LCD open or closed changes nothing. Even putting a little tension to twist the LCD changes nothing. M
  6. a Pipe Dream for the working class.
  7. mikex

    Forum Tweak

    I came across this while tryin to cut something. I am all for keeping the movement fluid if possible. NAH I'm just lazy, don't want to move my hands. M
  8. You said you went through your ISP tech support. They should have walked you through the authentication for the outgoing server. Given you the correct outgoing server name. Correct port settings. Is this issue with all mail? With and without attachments? Any size emails? Within and outside your ISP domain? What is the exact error the email client is giving you? Does your ISP have webmail you can use to send mail from in the mean time? Window firewall is the only firewall you are using? What changed from when you could to when you could not send....any updates windows or otherwise? Damn I
  9. mikex

    Forum Tweak

    High light test and hit CTRL + I for ITALICS. CTRL + B for BOLD. Hmmmm M
  10. I hav a Toshiba Satellite A55 S1063 Serial Number: X5069702H BIOS v.1.40 Celeron M 1.5 G 240 mb ram 40 G HDD This machine has a very dim screen. Even during boot. I cannot get to safe mode because the keyboard does not respond either. All the while it boots and for about 5-7 minutes after XP loads it constantly beeps. 1 beep about every second. I can navigate in XP with the touchpad and a lot of strain on my eyes when holding the laptop at an angle to the light. Any suggestions? I am leaning toward the LCD invertor board but that does not explain the keyboard. I did not open it up yet.
  11. I understand....bad news sells. Show a cute puppy no one will stop to look. Kill this cute puppy and watch as the crowd gathers..... Just had to vent earlier.....
  12. <RANT>On our local news they were giving updates on Sexual Predators. They spoke of like 4 people. I changed channels and a few more there. Then in North Louisiana kids in the fifth grade were having sex in the class room while it was unattended. What the hell is this world coming to. Parents need to be parents. Teachers need to teach, not babysit. Child molestors need to die. Killers need to die. If someone is sorry for their crimes then they will make amends with their maker. Saying how sorry you are on nation TV will get you about the same amount of respect that I give to the 100+ pe
  13. At this point in the boot process the BIOS can careless what if any OS is on the drive. But I see your reasoning. Does the drive spin up? M
  14. The only thing I can say now is to break out th pen and paper and log every time it drops and for how long. You may have a chance to RMA the unit. M
  15. Linksys is plug and play. Most times no need to configure anything. I would change the password, letters and numbers. Sometimes the order of boot needs to be closest to the internet first then and routers behind that.
  16. Denied File in use by another program.
  17. Good job on the dual boot. I installed internet service for a customer who bought a new Dell with V. I was on the machine for ten minutes, didn't like it. I did not like the security warnings for everything I was configuring. Reminded me of Norton pop ups. If a person is changing something there is a very high likelyhood they will not research what they are doing until they brick their machine. At this time they will call for help and give a vague description of what was changed, if they can say for sure. They will not have any error messages written that is for sure. I am advising folks to l
  18. mikex

    Barbeque Time

    Ribs on the pit. Laptop outside streaming the tunes wirelessly. Surfing the web. The life of a geek. Just after 9am, need a beer to sip on......It's 5 o'clock somewhere. M Had a brisket cut in to "fingers", soaked in Budwieser and seasoning. Just put those bad boys on the pit. Next time I will let them sleep with Jose' Cuervo and lime juice. Can you smell it???
  19. mikex

    Barbeque Time

    Q'ing up some of this and some of that here. Weather guy just said 60% tonight and around 50% for tomorrow. Highs in the 60's maybe. Will just pull the pit under cover and deal with the smoke stains later. On the up side the beer will not get hot fast. I have 8 left over from a crawfish boil a few weeks ago, that should last me the whole day.....unless the wife makes me share with the friends and family coming. M
  20. Will try these update links, but I am shy to do experimenting with this customers machine. They are either loveit or hate it folks. So this will be a get it up and going then get it gone from my place. Thanks M http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkID=25581 IE 6.0.2800.1106IS SP1
  21. Will try these update links, but I am shy to do experimenting with this customers machine. They are either loveit or hate it folks. So this will be a get it up and going then get it gone from my place. Thanks M
  22. Many places have a discount for employees...... M
  23. Ok but why redirect me to a Microsoft for Mac. I will get the URL toniight if I get the time to work on this machine. Damn people want to fix a machine that is 10 years old. How can I sleep at night if I charge hourly, knowing they can get a new machine for around $400? GGGRRRRRR!!! I guess I will put this job in the favor bank. Always need to keep it full. M
  24. I have a Win 98 machine and it has a fresh install on it. I try to get some updates from M$ but I get a page saying sorry...then links me to M$ for Macs page. I did not do the install so I can't say all is good 100%. I got updates for a 98 machine just about a week ago so I am thinking this problem is on this machine. Has anyone else run across this? M
  25. Any chance of having another router on hand to put in line to check against? Pro'lly not since you would have done that already. Save the config file, then reset to factory defaults, run like this for a while to check. Do you have lots of connections to the servers? You mentioned the connections before, I was wondering if users were actually logging in and working in the servers. M