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Posts posted by spirittoo

  1. Zone Alarm, AVG => Unable to connect to internet or get it fixed.

    Why do I not find this surprising????

    Why what's wrong with those programs? Been using them for years, and haven't had any trouble from them.

    Why would this eliminate AVG? If anything it would make me more suspicious it was the cause. It also has a bad habit of leaving bho and filter entries behind when uninstalled.

    I though once uninstalled it would not affect the connection ... I didn't know it left things behind ... what are bho and filter entries anyway :unsure:

    Did you try any browsers other than IE? Such as Firefox? Did you try email or IM? Anything else that uses internet connection?

    Yes I did.

    Did you bother to power off and wait between all these switches in configuration? You are supposed to. If you just disconnect, move, and reconnect cables you will not be able to connect.

    Yes I did.

    Well, what virus? Did you bother to post a log on the malware board and ask for help making sure that it was all cleaned up and the damage fixed?

    That I couldn't tell you I only saw it shut down the computer once ... I didn't get a chance to write down what it said I only remember it had something to do with the C:\WINNT ... I don't know how to make a log to post on the malware board ... didn't really know you had one. :blush:

    Well I would not say that that would make me think that a computer was not infected.

    Why not?

  2. Hello all ... I just had an internet experience I'd like to post ...hopefully it will help someone else if they have an issue ...

    Well it started when I couldn't get on line yesterday. At first I thought the browser was being hijacked because when I clicked on my home page I kept getting a link to AVG update ... so I uninstalled AVG ... the pages when to the links that I clicked on, but still no internet ... so AVG was eliminated as a problem ... then I did a search with spybot and ad ware ... nothing ... I checked my hard ware ... made sure the ethernet card was functioning ... the device manager reported it was. I had a router so I disconnected it and patch straight into the modem ... still nothing ... So I closed zone alarm to see if I could get connected ... nothing ... still no internet.

    I tried uninstalling zone alarm ... still no internet ... I went into the lan setting to make sure the modem was functioning ... it was ... :wacko:

    So I called my internet provider and we did some looking around ... with no luck ... then he ask if a had a "repair" button in the properties of the ethernet card ... there was none because I am running W2K ... so he had me open the command prompt ... we did an ipconfig command to check the infor ... when we did that, we found a weird ip address ... have no idea how that happen ... so he had me type in the command ipconfig /release ... then ipconfig /renew ... once that was done I was back on line!

    We have no idea how the address got chanced ... nor could we understand why it didn't fix itself after I shut down the computer ... any ideas on that? :blink::unsure:

    Well once I got back online I reinstalled AVG ... then tried to reinstall zone alarm but was unable to ... got an error message something about setup unable to find msi package or patch ... so I couldn't reinstall it ... I was checking out a website and guess what? I got a virus! You know ... one of those buggers that shut the computer down :angry2:

    Soooo ... I had to checked windows for updates and sure enough there were some critical ones that had to be installed ... which I did immediately ... once that was done ... I had AVG scan again ... no virus found and the computer remain on for several hours ... no further shut down problems ... I did some checking and found a replacement free firewall ... call outpost. Downloaded and installed it ... Webshot wouldn't show the right date so I had to download and install the lasted version ... all is well ... so far. What a day huh?

    But I just wanted to post this in the hopes it might help someone else. If you have any idea what happen with my ip address please post.

  3. Well ... I learned something new today ... I know my mom won't go for something like that <_< ... she's already intimidated by the thang :rolleyes: ... I found a replacement, the cost of the part is inexpensive ... $4-$5 but the cost to ship is outrageous $6- $10! :angry: ... I'm hoping there is a computer store in the city that carries it ...

    Thanks for the input ... :thumbsup:

  4. Hi everybody ... was checking out my mom's computer and could not turn it on ... the power switch popped out somehow ... so I had to open her up and put the switch back in ... closed it back up ... tried to check it again ... still no power and the switch fell out again ... took it apart again ... tried to turn the power on directly at the switch, but noticed the blue wire had come loose ... tried to attach it back to the prong but it had broken off ... tried to attach to another prong on the same side ... nothing ... so do I need a new power switch and where do I get one and how do I hook it up? ... there were two wires ... a blue and a white ... 3 prongs on each side of the switch, but the wires were hooked into one side only ...

    So what do I need to do?



    I got the memory sticks yesterday ... I got two 512mb ... so now she has twice the memory she had before ... I was able to upgrade the virus definitions ... but there was a problem :blink: ... after updating I would have a warning the the update manager was disabled ... and the firewall kept getting switched off ... :wacko: so I uninstalled and reinstalled AVG free ... I got it to install when the memory was bad, but it never finished ... so I figured something didn't take ... once I reinstalled AVG I was able to update with no problems ... my neighbor are very happy ... so far ... It's been a couple of hours and no phone call so I have a feeling the problem is solved ... :matrix:

    ... just wanted to let folks know how it turned out ... a friend told me ... God rest his Soul ... that XP is a pretty stable OS ... there are only a couple of reasons why it crashes ... driver(s) ... or hardware ... in this case it was hardware ... :mellow:

    ... hope this help anyone with a similar problem

    Happy Holidays!

    Merry Christmas!

  6. :blink:Update ... I did as was suggested with the memory ... She had two sticks ... I took out one and tested the other ... it was bad <_< ... I checked the other stick it was good ... I checked the slot the bad memory came out of ... it was good ... so I'm ordering new memory for her ... Thanks to all those that posted ... I will let you know once I get the memory and install it what happens ... :thumbsup:
  7. I would say you should post a hijackthis log on the malware board and have an analyst tell you if you are infected or not. Once they clear you; then the next thing is to boot to safe mode with networking (if you have dsl or cable or use a router) . See if there are problems there. If it does not freeze in safe mode; you know it is a driver or application running in normal mode and can begin trouble shooting from that end.

    If it does freeze in safe mode; then go with it probably being hardware ; so unplug and open the case, blow out the dust, remove cards (one at a time ) blowing out the dust from the slots and booting up to see if having that specific card or memory stick removed keeps it from freezing .

    Well ... I can't do the hijackthis because I can't get that far with it ... I tried several times to update the virus definitions so I could do what you suggested, but I kept getting the stop error messages ... so I doubt I will be able to check for malware ...

    I can do nothing in safe mode as far as networking ... so I can't check that either ... I feel certain that because not only couldn't it pass the memory test, but I got the halting message right away ... that's a pretty good indicator of memory failure for me ... I could see if she will let me open it and see if there is one stick or two ... they have 512mb ... if so I will test each one ... but it won't matter because they will both have to be replaced ... the higher mb memory is more easy to get ... :wacko:

  8. The fact that her system could not do the memory test was a pretty good indication the memory is bad ... she did have XP reinstalled and the problem continued ... I've been told that when XP gets the blue screen it's because of bad hardware or drivers ... and we pretty much eliminated the drivers as being the problem ... :blink:

  9. Okay ... just got back from my neighbor's house... has a lot of stop errors ... I uninstalled and reinstalled AVG, but when I tried to update the files I'd kept getting the stop errors ... so I went for the memory test ... finally got the cd burn to work ... well the test didn't last long at all ... no sooner than the test start it would stop and I get this message ... "unexpected Interrupt- halting ... and the test would go no further ... my guess would be the memory is indeed bad ... do you guys concur? :wacko::unsure:

  10. So, it is most likely a bad driver.


    Do you have intuit software using citrix registration/ activation verification software?

    This is known to cause this error. Remember not just hardware uses drivers; many activation verification software and antivirus software use kenel mode drivers, and virtual anything drives (.sys and .vxd files)

    0x000000C2: BAD_POOL_CALLER

    A kernel-mode process or driver incorrectly attempted to perform memory operations. Typically, a faulty driver or buggy software causes this.


    Again it is likely to be a driver issue.

    I would side with it either being a problem with an antivirus or with activation verification software.

    Again , do you have Intuit (tax software)?

    What antivirus?

    I'm afraid I don't follow you on the "intuit (tax software)" how do I find out if she has that ... I doubt she would know ... I didn't understand how they debugged in the instructions given :wacko:

    I still don't know what virus software she has ... will find out when I can.:unsure:

    Oh yeah ... can you tell me how to find, check, update, and repair these drivers in question?

    Shane ... I downloaded the memory zip file ... unzipped it ... and use Nero to burn the file to a disk ... but when I rebooted my computer to test it ... nothing happen ... and I made sure the master CD ROM had the disk and that the boot sequence would be the CD Rom first ... what did I do wrong?

  11. Thanks for those links shane ... very helpful ...

    I think you might be on to something pete ... she did say something about not being able to update her virus protection ... I forgot who she said it was ... she's not home right not, but I will do some research with the links you provided and get back to you ...

    ... just talked to her ... she says she can't update anything ...

  12. Okay .... update ... her computer doesn't reboot when she get the bsod ... it just sit there with different error messages each time ...

    here are some examples ...




    since the drivers are all updated ... my guess would be hardware failure ... I want to test the memory and hard drive, but she doesn't have a floppy disc and I don't know how to do it with a cd ... could one of you guys help me out with that? How do I put this memory test on a cd?

    The same with a hard drive test ... like seatools ... and which software? ... how can I put that on a CD and use it? :unsure:

    HELP :wacko:

  13. Hi all ... my neighbor has a Dell Dimension E-310 ... she tells me that every so often she get the BSOD ... it could happen when she boots up and begins to click on something ... or she could run the system for a while before it happen ... she has the SP - 3 ... I had her check the drivers ... but all the drives seem to be up to date :unsure: ... according to XP ... it has a 2.80 P4 processor with 500MB of ram ... I don't know what other information you might need so if I forgot something please let me know.

    Anyone have any idea what is going on ... now that the drivers have been check what would be the next thing to do? :wacko:

    Thank you for your time. :thumbsup: