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Posts posted by spirittoo

  1. T_75 I want to mark this thread as SOLVED! :thumbsup: The problem with the power switch was a matter of finding the right connections ... that page that I provided with the picture of the panel ... with the help of another poster ... I was able to connect them properly ... now everything is running smooth and sweet ... so far :whistling: ... I would also like to thank you for your help in this matter. I very much appreciate it. :wub: I tried to record all that I did to help someone else with this problem ... so hopefully my notes will be of use to someone in the future.


  2. I have another question ... I just found out that the "gateway" take over mobo only support 1G of ram while the real intel board supports 2G ... why on earth would they reduce the memory capacity? That makes no sense at all. I order a 1G memory stick ... now I have to cancel :angry:

    ...also ... I found info about the power connections ... check it

    Power connections

    These were the pins I was telling you about ...

    Front panel USB

    Now that I know what they are all I need do now is figure out how to get them to work ...

    and is the connection in a roll or up and down?

  3. You say a clean install is preferred with XP, but how about 2k? Is it really needed? I downloaded all the drivers and installed some of them. The computer is function as it should ... the only think is having to but the battery out and in to get the computer to boot ... there must be a way ...

    How did you find that board? I put in my part number and I got no results ...is it because it's not listed? I put in one of the model numbers in the search at the site you gave and I get no results. How did you get that? Do you think it's possible for me to get the power switch to work without formatting the hard drive?

  4. I got my sound back finally ... I put the sound card I had (diamond dt-688) back in ... finally found a site with the driver that I could download with out having to deal with that stinking driver detector software ... then installed the drivers ... sound again! ...now the only thing is the start up problem ... I can live without the led lights, but I don't want to keep taking the battery out to boot up.

  5. Another poster noticed something at the site where I got the mobo there is a link below to a gateway support site ... I never realize there would be a proprietary problem ... I figure they would say it's for a gateway computer only, but I don't see that. Anyway ... this link looks like the place where I get all the drivers. One poster said I would have to completely reinstall windows ... is that true?

  6. GATEWAY ESSEX MOTHERBOARD D845GRG, serial #'s 4000783, 4000828 (These are proprietary boards that use a special connector from the power button and etc. Look for a serial number on the board to match it.)

    Click Scan Your PC at the right and see if it identifies the drivers.

    Check the following to see if it matches your motherboard. You can click on the blue items such as Front panel connector to see the layout of the pins.


    Search for something similar to your board Front Panel Connectors

    You could also use the following programs to help determine what your hardware is and what drivers are needed..

    Everest 2.20


    Well it certainly explains why the power switch won't work or why the led don't work. I have the 4000843, but I don't see how you found that link with the other model number ... do you see my anywhere? Will this board work with my computer? Is this the reason why I have to remove and replace the CMOS battery to get it to work? I'll try the other links you provided ... thanks. Oh and when the computer is shutting down I see the mixer come up and I have to click on end program ... so even though it's not showing up and working it's trying to run.

  7. I guess you guy are gone for the weekend, but I am having trouble installing the update driver for the audio ... the program thinks there is no driver ... meaning it doesn't recognized it. Apparently gateway in their infinite wisdom alter it some how now intel doesn't recognize it. So they tell me I have to go to gateway. Of course I don't know what model they put this board in so I need some other means of getting a driver for the audio ... I have a sound card, but I wasn't able to get it to work so now I'm working on the on board sound. Any ideas? I'm trying to find generic drivers but no luck so far. Help!

  8. What adjustment did you make with the power off? Make sure the Cmos pin is in the right location. When changing anything in the Bios make sure to Save & Exit (F10). Study the manuals to similar motherboards in that series for the LED connections. Some motherboards may be different revisions or proprietary setups for manufacturers such as Dell, HP/Compaq and etc. and would have a different pin layout.

    The pin layout should be marked on the board with very small letters. Use a magnifying glass to look for them.

    I just turn it off so I could put the plug for sound into a different hole ... that's another thing I am having problems with ... no sound ... something is up with my mixer ... it won't load and the part with all the audio controls in the control panel are grayed out.

    I left the pin in the short position and booted ... it only allow me to clear the password and such ... when it was done it told me to return the pin to is original position which I did. When the screen comes on I do see a "gateway" logo instead of intel. Anything wanted to keep in the bios I hit the F10 key and exit.

    I used a magnifying glass but the only thing I see is "front panel hdr" with a group of pins ... then there is another group of pins with "front panel USB" .. that's all I see in that area.

    Do you think the mobo is defective? Or just need tweaking?

    Oh yes ... there was something else I forgot to mention ... the power switch doesn't function. After I put the CMOS battery back in and plug it in the power comes on ... so I never even get to use the power switch.

  9. Something weird is going on ... I shut down the computer and turn the power off to make some adjustment ... when I tried to boot back up ... nothing ... no power ... same as before ... I checking the connections ... nothing ... then I took out the CMOS battery and put in back in ... power came on. Why? Why do I have to remove the CMOS battery in order for the power to come on? How do I correct this?

    I disable the LAN in the BIOS and that stop the new hardware ethernet controller.

    Also I went to the Intel site and found this ID tool ... it claims my Mobo is a D845GRG ... when I looked up the manual and looked at the drawing of the board the places they claim were connection for the led were not there ... here is a link to the site with the info

    Downloads and spec info

  10. Right ... I'm back up and running again ... just need to do some tweaking ... the device manager say that the ethernet controller is not congifigured properly ... when I when through the install new hardware for the controller ... once it was installed it knocked out my internet connection. I had to uninstall it to get the connection back. Any one know what's up with that?

  11. What model number motherboard. Intel makes many 845G motherboards.











    Manual, BIOS & drivers

    GGGee ... I didn't know there were that many ... It's the one with the 478 socket 533 FBS ... it really doesn't have anything else. I found a manual, but there was nothing about were to connect the wires for the led lights power light, reset button ... the hhd ... I think I found something about the power connection "J 18 :ATX 12V ... that may be it. I try it ... it that doesn't work I will have to get back to a working computer and work through this. I'm sure it's the finding the right connection. It may be a guessing game.

  12. Got a new mobo ... an intel 845G but I not getting any power. I can't figure out how to hook up the power switch and the other connectors ... I see something for the hhd, but not the power switch or the reset switch ... I don't have the manual, and I'm now at the library trying to find it. If anyone knows where I can get it please post ... I'm sure I am not getting power because I don't have it hook up right.

  13. Pull the RAM then try to start it. If it doesn't beep then put the RAM back in and pull the video card, Still no beep start looking at the PSU, CPU and motherboard as the problem.

    I did put the ram ... nothing ... I bought a new video card ... nothing ... I change the CPU ... nothing ... now it's down to the PS ... I pray it is not the mobo ... is there a way I can check it without getting another one first?

    I will try the cold boot ... and see what happens. I'm using a neighbor's computer. I will get back and check for more information when I can. I will see if I have another ps and try that. Thanks.

  14. Ok it happen like this ... a couple of days ago I was watching a youtube video ... and the computer locked up on me ... had to do the reset button to get it going again. I happen again yesterday and I had to reset. Booted up okay. Today I was listening to a radio stream with real player and a youtube video was loading up. The computer locks up on me again. I hit reset only this time I get no signal! I see the cpu light is on, but my power light isn't working ... the fans come on and the DVD players light up, but the keyboard will not and the monitor indicates no signal. I get NO system beeps when I start the computer ... I get nothing on the screen except the "no signal" icon. I have a new cmos battery in. The system I'm referring to is in my sig. What is the problem? I'm at the library and I think I only have an hour so if someone can give me something to work with. I will keep an eye out for a response before my time is up. Thanks.

  15. I got it together ... I rebooted the system ... went through the new hardware prompts again, but this time instead of having it search windows for the file I had it go to known files ... stumbled my way through ... it ask me if I was sure if I wanted to use the driver because it might not be compatible, but since I had nothing I use it and it worked. Still not sure why I lost it in the first place, but I got it back ... thanks. :thumbsup:

  16. Hi all ... I changed my CMOS battery ... when the computer was booting up I saw a "low battery" ... is the replacement too old? :unsure: I've had it for years. Never used of course. Anyway my problem is my computer can't find the "multimedia audio controller driver". I did a search on the computer but could not fine the file. I google the drive found it at CNet and Znet, but when I try to download I get hijacked to a site called ... "conexant" I'm searching for another place to find the file: "Multimedia Audio Controller" but so far no luck ... if any of you have any ideas, please post. Thanks :thumbsup:

  17. if you are running windows 2000 then no.. Other systems maybe.. what is the cost.. a 2.6 should be cheep. like pocket change..

    but mostly no.. no real difference.

    Well right now it's going for $26.71 plus 5 bucks shipping, but with 39 minutes left and the price climbing, I doubt I will buy it ... was hoping I could get it cheap, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

    Thanks for the input. :thumbsup: