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Posts posted by Honda_Boy

  1. The radio only gives a good example of Popular music today but none of the lesser known stuff. I really don't much of any current music or music of the last 15 years. A large portion of my library consists of Jrock/Jpop cause I don't know much of anything good here. I'm exposed to a lot of the J stuff from the OP and ED's of animes and if I like them, I look them up and get the full versions which usually have other songs with them, sometimes good, sometimes not.

    This website looks like a good idea to get me started in a good direction for western stuff. I'm dying to get more stuff but just don't know what is good out there. I've recently started listening to the radio more often cause I'm gettin slightly burnt out on some of my stuff so I'm hearing more and liking it..... but I have no clue who I am listening too or what the song is half the time. My favorite station plays rock from the 80's all the way up to the most current stuff (current stuff plays more often than older) so I can only pick out older stuff here and there like pre-1995 and a few newer songs.

  2. We just had a discussion on TennSpeed about electric cars and they ain't gonna be cheap at least not soon. Batteries for them are really expensive.

    Can't remember exactly buy 93 Octane when I filled up a coupla days ago was about 3.93 or somewhere near it. I paid 32.25 for I think about 8.2 gallons. Pulled off 31.8MPG on average on the last tank. It's gettin better thank god.

  3. my package from Amazon came early yesterday (wasn't supposed to get here until Tuesday) so I popped in Interstella 5555 and it was friggin great. A lot of the later songs are so much better with video. The first 4 tracks and track 13 are pretty good though by themselves.

    Will be listening to music from Legend of Zelda: Windwaker and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess soon. I just ordered a Gamecube and those 2 games from game stop. It's funny cause I haven't gotten a new video game console in 10 years (newest I own is PS/X and N64 and I got the PS/X in 1998). I LOVE Zelda games and wanted to play those two REALLY bad so I finally broke down and ordered a refurb Gamecube for $30. OK so it's an old console but it'll be new to me. It'll still be better than the N64 (hopefully). I had been playing all my games on PC but I'm ready to jump back into consoles.

  4. ahhh, I won't get crap then. Oh well, not like it woulda got much with it. I might have got a strut bar and an intake. Or maybe tires instead. I get more than $300 in 3 weeks at my job any way so it's not like that's a huge amount anyway.

  5. LOVEHOLIC - Shinkirou

    Kita Shuuhei - Kimi no Kioku

    Shimotsuki Haruka - Kazahane

    eufonius - Reflectia

    I still haven't seen all of Interstella 5555. All I've seen of it is the first 4 songs for sure and I might have seen the 5th song but that's all I remember. I didn't know it was a movie at first (back in 2001). I just thought it was a few music videos. A coupla years ago though, I found out about Insterstella 5555 but never got it until now (never got Discovery either until last week). My Interstella 5555 should get here Tuesday.

    PS I'm obviously in a Jpop/Jrock mood right now. I'll probably be jammin to either Daft Punk or Bush on the way to work though.

  6. not even sure if I'm qualified to get diddly squat. If I do get anything it'd be 300 but I kinda doubt it since I live with my parents.

    * looks like if I do get it, it will be on Monday the 5th.

  7. HA, we had a slight gang problem here recently at the high schools (ok slight is a blatant lie, it was a MASSIVE problem in which they were scared for students lives). Some people got shot, others were gonna get revenge, bunch were high school age. It involved MS13 (most dangerous gang in the US) and the Vikings. They distrusted the local police so much (cause they suck) that they called in State Troopers (they were EVERYWHERE), TBI (Tennessee Bureau of Investigation), FBI, and other law enforcement agencies on the schools. Local police weren't seen too much during this time. State Troopers were all over town in pairs.

    Ahhh well, some suck some don't. City Police seem to do their job a little better than the County Sheriff Department. I never see Sheriff vehicles doin anything but speeding (City do to but they actually do somethin).

  8. Thanks guys. Nothing special today. Mom's in a wheelchair and I had to go to night class so nothing special. Did eat piza with my mom for lunch and my dad gave $50 and a new hair dryer (my other toasted on me this morning <_< , yes i have very long hair and NEED a hair dryer). My real present doesn't get here till tomorrow. Just an A'PEXi World Sport II muffler for the car.

    Thanks again guys for the birthday wishes. I love ya'll :wub:

  9. Well mine are Depo replica's of the JDM OEM Foglights, not the real Raybrig ones (they are too expensive and hard to find). No surprise but still I'm proud they lasted that long without ANY probs other than one of them, *ahem*, fogging up, being cheapo replicas.

  10. boy I'm proud of my Depo replica JDM foglights. They were 3 days short of working for a full year without a hitch. Sunday I was driving home from work and cause of the crappy conditions, I had the fogs on....... so I thought. Normally when it's really cloudy out, raining, or just dark but not quite dark enough for headlights, I turn the fogs on with the parking lights. Well I notice as I sit behind a black Impala that I can't see the fogs reflection. I get home, they ain't on but the switch is in with the switches light on. I pop the hood and check the wires going from the battery to the fogs. There's a fuse on the way. I open up the little fuse casing and pull out the fuse but boy was it stuck in there. It didn't look blown but the side of the plastic was a little melted and cracking and the prongs looked corroded or something. Ran to O'Reilly's, bought a pack of 15 Amp fuses (different size than the giant load of fuses I have in the glove box), and swapped the fuse in the parking lot. Hit the switch and we're A OK. foggies working just fine.

    Now I just can't wait till my dern A'PEXi WSII Muffler gets here.