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Everything posted by xxkbxx

  1. Good - somebody I can finally relate to as far as the computers you grew up with. I always hate at work when some old dudes come in and talk about their 362's running 14 with the 909 when I can't tell if they are talking about guns or really old computers
  2. That's the only reason to use IE before Firefox - some websites just plainly don't work with FF
  3. Just go balls out for $300 some and get an X2 3800
  4. I had Win 95 AOL and Slingo - I think I was 7 years old then
  5. A year or so ago some idiot brought in a Packard Bell saying that it woudn't boot I went to boot it and ended up removing a floppy disc and it worked fine (except for the fact that is was old as hell) Minimum $25 charge - they never came back to pick it up
  6. and they have remained essentially separate on the building end. You guys know you'd be pissed too if a power supply killed 2 brand new motherboards and messed one
  7. My 6 year old Gateway has been great All i've ever done is upgrade the RAM and replace CD drives in it
  8. I used the same memory and different CPU to test But a different board instead The reason I'm getting on eMcachines is because they constantly have crappy PSU's and now it's REALLY pissing me off
  9. I've complained about eMachines in the past - most of the time it's faulty PSU's But now I've totally had it I was reparing a customer's computer - it had a bad motherboard - and I was replacing it. After testing the new board out of the box, it performed fine. I then put it in the case and plugged in the cables and the BIOS gives me a fan speed error - even though the fan is spinning fine (I checked connections, different fans, everything) So, I switched to another board (another new one) tested out of the box, then put it in. As soon as I plugged in the power to the PSU the computer turns
  10. I'm a few minutes outside of winston
  11. Bad motherboard, Bad processor, bad memory
  12. They stated that due to the fact that there was no electricity, the dsl was down. Must be a mom and pop phone company that can't afford a generator to keep the Central Office up and running... No it's actually a company that does most of the internet and telephone in my 1/3 of North Carolina
  13. and never download stupid programs again. Easier said then done!
  14. My cash is on improperly jumped drives
  15. My local DSL went out (due to a power outtage in my area) And for 36 hours I felt like a caveman - I HAD to check my eBay auctions, I HAD to check my E-Mail Then I came very close to hittin rock bottom - I was checking my e-mail periodically with my cell phone, and using school computers between classes I almost hooked up the modem on my old PC and dialed up to an account I know just to check my crap If any terrorist, or anybody wanting to hurt the United States wanted to do something good - Just take out the electricity and we're all gonners
  16. "help people out of the kindness of their heart" - right I know what you mean though
  17. quick format will do the trick - if it won't work properly it won't show up as an option
  18. god damn it i had learn my lesson >.< yep i did the registry for that programe well we all live and learn. A few years back when I still had dial-up I tried one of those web accelerator apps. All it did was make graphics and pics fuzzy. I couldn't tell a tit from a toenail. That lasted one hour. That's about right, God knows I've messed up enough things on my computer - that's why i fix them now
  19. Don't forget to change the Master to "Master w/ Slave" Most PC Makers set everything as Cable Select, but it could possibly be Master w/out Slave
  20. Probably formatted them down to a rounded number like 120 for a 140GB Hard Drive that's actually 127.6 some odd GB It would freak some people out - "I think I have a virus!"
  21. Last time I check ALL Heatsinks use grease I've never encountered one that doesn't - the only other possibility is when the heatsink comes pre-coated in grease along the bottom (as new ones come with CPU's) Aside from that, you need the grease just like you need the heatsink
  22. Eating sound card now to?!?1 THanks for the replies. I figured it was dead(ish). Oh well, good thing is was a cheapo off newegg. I'll take a free sound card if it still has audio out!
  23. All that crap makes me just want to download illegal MP3's in the first place I used iTunes, but I couldn't transfer music to my Creative Zen w/out burning and ripping Now I use my cell phone (once again, takes MP3's a CRAPLOAD of them! I have a 1GB MS in it!)