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Posts posted by p1ggles

  1. NOOO!! DON'T BUY IT! It SUCKS! It takes 40 minutes to scan, the program is a joke, it finds nothing except for the very first free scan they give you (but to remove most of the items you must purchase the product). I think it's fake though, because once you pay and scan again, there's nothing anymore. When I scanned with another program, it said True Sword mad a medium risk threat, and Symantec actually lists it as a rogue program.

    It's pretty obvious because the program doesn't even update - they add nothing to its database. I try to update it daily but there is only one update about every other week. What program is that lazy that they don't even add anything? Biggest waste of $40 I ever spent! They ignored me too, when I requested a refund due to their 60 day satisfaction guarantee to a full refund if the program doesn't do its job. Well, I got nothing and then that 60 day period was up. I contacted BBB.org to report them and they're in Russia?!??! Wave goodbye to my money.

    A-Squared by EMSI is a great program though http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/antimalware/

    It includes Hijack This, updates multiple times a day every single time a new chunk of threats are detected and added to the database, and it includes a free 30 day trial of its full program.

    Spyware Doctor is great too. You can get a free version if you download the Google Pack. Before that came out though, I paid about $30 for it.

    The 2 programs above were what made me realize True Sword found nothing. It wasn't because my comp had no infections, it was because True Sword has nothing in their database whatsoever.