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Posts posted by MrBill

  1. Ok, finally after having dialup for years, springing for Charter broadband. Newb questions, so here goes. Have 3 computers, all with xp home, an older gateway select 1200, an HP Pavilion, and a Toshiba laptop. Will have the broadband modem at the HP(Im guessing this is the way it works). The laptop came with a Atheros AR5005G wireless network adapter. What do I need in the way of a router, adapter/adapters for the others? (now the part you always hear) dont want to spend a fortune for this stuff, but dont want junk either, so any recomendations are appreciated.
  2. That's 2x as much as the place I work at charges for most of the stuff. Just get your business going, establish an honorable reputation for having honest prices and good work and you're better off. Besides, I get paid $7.50 and hour, and lately I'm getting paid to keep my boss company.

    Hope that your boss is good looking and of the opposite sex and you don't get caught by your other

    I agree with the fees that these rip off shops charge. For the price that they charge, they should at least do a back up for you for that price.

  3. I opened the control panel and double clicked on the Windows Firewall and saw that this is turned ON. (Is this a good thing? I've read that it might not be but I don't know)


    If you have a firewall installed, the one in Widows will be OFF. It is turned on automatically when you install SP2 if you don't have a firewall already. To install SP2, any firewall is supposed to be disabled according to MS. The PC that I am on had everything running when it downloaded automatically from MS. I have had NO problems at all. The other PC's that I have put SP2 on where when I did a clean install and it was the next thing put on then I went to MS and got all the updates. It took 3 times like you stated as some are to be done by them selves and there are also updates for updates.

  4. Is there anyway to change the color of the toolbar from the current whiteish/grey to another color?

    Here's the screenshot

    Anyways, yes I'm also showing of my desktop :lol:

    In Windows there are 3 choices. Right click on a blank space on you desktop and choose Properties by left clicking. Then click on Appearence and chose 1 of the 3 colors. You can also download ObjectDock and choose from several of them. There is a FREE and a PAID version. I have the FREE one and have about 20 different ones. CLICK

  5. ok i am running windows xp home edtion with sp2

    my problem is when i restart my computer the volume icon on the taskbar does not show up so i go into the control panel/sound & audio devices and the checkmark is still there saying place volume icon on taskbar so i uncheck then apply and check again and apply it comes up then i go to restart my computer again and its gone yet again

    how do i keep the volume icon from disappearing?

    Right click on My Computer and go to Properties. Then the Hardware tab and then Device Manager. Do you see any YELLOW ? of ! beside the Audio or anyplace else?

  6. hi shanenin,

    no the backwards compatibility didn't exist until computers started using pc2100 and pc2700 ram. pc100, pc133, and pc66 ram are actually different sizes by a few millimeters.

    to the human eye it doesn't look like much, but when it comes to computers that is the same as trying to put a AAA battery in a spot designed for a AA battery. loose enough that things just won't work.

    I have used many a stick of 133 in a 100 and not the first problem. Most 133 is backward compatible to 100. It does see the whole amount on the stick. I have use 128 and 256 with no problems at all. I just added the stick and have even tried switching the positions and it didn't matter. Go for it.

  7. yes microsoft now supports real player

    once it was a mongrel of a program

    it used to install spyware on your sys

    as well it was a difficult

    program to configure

    microsoft got into trouble with the european union

    over wmp being embedded

    as they supported real player

    and microsoft was fined for breaking trade practices

    my opinion


    is the best of all the players

    im speaking of wmp10

    i uninstalled real player and quick time many moons ago


    Real Player Alternative is much better then Real Time is. Just like QT Alternative is better then QT. Kept up to date more then the others are. And you don't need the originals to do it and they are both FREE.

  8. Thnak you so much for that!!

    Better yet. Give it a sound so when you use it for real or hit it by mistake, it will make a sound. Start/Control Panel/Accessibillity Options and put a check in the box that says Toggle Keys. Click Apply, OK then close down Control Panel. Now hit the Caps Lock Key, Number Lock and the Scroll Lock keys and listen to the sound when it is turned on then do it again and it makes a different sound when turned off.

  9. i keep getting the following error:


    svchost.exe - application error

    The instruction at "0x745f2780" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read".

    [with the following options]:

    Click OK to terminate the program

    Clik cancel to debug the program


    I also get the following problem:


    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close.


    Any input would be helpful.

    Thankyou :thumbsup:

    What flavor of windows are you running?

  10. I was thinking of geting a pci v-card just to see what was going on with it but the cheapeds price I can find is $33 + tax and its only a 32 mb card. Also it only has one stick of memory 256 mb. I will try it without any drives connected, BUT there is a wire thats right beside the intergraded sound its attached then the other end has 2 plugs one white and one black, dont know where they go??

    You have a ram problem. Plug it back in the first slot.

  11. Does anyone have a resume outline for MS Word? Like a template, I made a few but they all suck, can anyone help me out please.

    P.S. I use Corel wordPerfect and am not use to MS Word thats why I ask.

    Did you look at the built in templates? File/New and select one. You may also find some at MS Office update site.

  12. I keep getting an email from some guy, and i keep deleting it, my anti-virus detects it as a worm. I get the e-mail 40-50 times a day and have no idea how to block it. I tried adding it to the junk list but that doesn't work. I'm using Thunderbird.


    Thank you.

    1. Open Thunderbird

    2. From the Menu Bar, select Tools.

    3. Select Message Filters.

    4. Click.

    5. Assign a name to your message rule (filter). Suggestion: Not in

    Address Book.

    6. Select the bullet beside Match any of the following.

    7. Click the down arrow in the Subject box and change the setting to


    8. Click the down arrow in the Contains box and change the setting to

    isn’t in my address book.

    9. Under Perform these actions, click on Move to folder.

    10. On the right side of the Move to folder row, click New Folder.

    11. Type the name of your new folder. Suggestion: Possible Spam. It

    must be created as a subfolder of the Inbox. It can be dragged to a

    new location later.

    12. Click OK.

    13. Highlight the filter name that you just created.

    14. Confirm that Run selected filter(s) on is set for Inbox.

    15. Click Run now.

    16. Close the Message Filter dialog box.

  13. %systemroot%\System32\Drivers

    you answered his question :-)

    is that location of any practical use? Instaiiing drivers must be more complicated then just saving them from that directory and copying them back after reinstall. I am just guessing the inner workings of Windows still is a mystery to me.

    There is no mystery about it. If you have them and they work, why search the net for them?

  14. Is there something in your Antivirus that could be hindering it? Have you tried sending the email to just one address that you KNOW is good? My AV will pop a message box if I send an email to "too many people"....some Trojan Protection feature or something.


    Some ISP's will bounce them like that because their E-Mail program sees it as SPAM and will do that. Sometimes a way to get arround that is by sending it to yourself in the To: box and the rest in the BCC: box.

  15. That why you can buy those throw away computers so cheap. You're not actually paying for the full rights to the OS. I can't complain about the price of Windows. If you get 10 years out of the product it doesn't really cost that much per year. People will spend over $300 for a graphic card that may die after the warranty is up in 1 year. To me the cheapest part of a PC is the OS. Think about it. With a Mac you need to purchase each upgrade to it's OS. I've gotten my value out of 98SE and will purchase XP Pro shortly. Right now I can get it for around $120. I used to blow more than that on a weekend's drunk.

    Well put.

    If you had a REAL copy and had this problem, MS would fix it for you for FREE...

  16. Object Dock is a good one. They have a FREE and a PAID Version. The only thing that I see is every 24 hours of on a reboot, they have a built in popup wanting you to but the program. Have had it for a couple of years on 2 different PC's and no problems what so ever. You can go back and download different stuff for FREE as they come out with it. It does just the basic stuff and you can go right back and get several different add on thinks. CLICK HERE

  17. What would you guys reccomend as a good registry cleaner/repairer. I know there are 1001 of them, but there has to be one or two that really stand out.

    While I'm at it asking... what other tools should I have to make sure my computer is nice and tidy?

    I would not even worry about a registry cleaner. They usually do more harm then good. If you aren't having any major issues, I would not worry about it. Do you have a firewall that works both Incoming and Outgoing?

    A spyware program like Spybot Search & Destroy? A spyware program like SpywareBlaster? And of course a Anti Virus Program

    I delete my Cookies, Temp Files and Clear History and run Disc Cleanup with ALL the boxes checked at least once or twice a week. Other then that a Defrag every couple of months and that is about it.

    Need a link to Spybot and Spyware Blaster, go to and click on Spyware on the right side and go from there.