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Posts posted by MrBill

  1. What Browser are you using to download with? If IE, go to Tools/Delete Browsing History and at the bottom, DELETE everything and put a check in the next window that Pops Up. Then click OK and let it finish. Then go to Start/All Programs/Accessories/Disc Cleanup and put a check in ALL the boxes then let it do it's thing. Then try the download again.

  2. Does it show at all in the BIOS? Do you get any error messages? It should show unless it is bad. All you should have to do is to make sure that your CDROM or CD/RW is the first boot choice and put the disc in and go from there. You can change the boot order in the BIOS. When you bootup, you should see what will take you to the BIOS. F2 or some other F key.

  3. Marty:

    It doesn't happen all the time. Probably after some update of other software. It happen to me once before, but that was a few years ago. I did just install Spybot S&D a few months ago, since AVG discontinued Anti-Spyware 7.5 (Ewido). I really like that program.

    I was looking for something else to replace AVG besides Malware-bytes. If it does it again, I'll uninstall Spybot. If I remember correctly, I had Spybot than also. Hmmm!

    I'm going to keep a check on SpywareBlaster and see what happens.


    Malwarebytes DOES NOT replace AVG. These are two different programs that do two different things.

  4. First of all, Pete, Honda and Peaches, wow, wow, wow!!!! I love you and thank you so much for all you do!

    But, OK, now....because I'm a Noob and therefore thinking of the Noobs, this list could be really overwhelming for my Fellow Noobs.

    Maybe catagorizing the different links into sections where one can click a section (with a good simple description of said section) to get all the links might be less overwhelming for a Noob? Meaning if a Noob is looking for a specific thing, they can click the catagory and get the necessary links without their eyes glazing over at such a big list. (yeah, I'm simple....and keeping the simple folks in mind :thumbsup: )

    Oh Lord, I'm confusing you understand what I said?


    The section that they are in are kind of self explanatory. They just have different links to different programs that basically do the same in some instances.

  5. I have been advised, as has been said above to remove adaware and spybot from my arsenal as well. MBAM does such a good job that it is what I use after running a scan with Panda. There are other tools that are faster, smaller and better, and with S+D 1.5, I cant get all of my protections locked in when I immunize.


    Ir you are using Spybot 1.5, you are about a year behind everybody else. They are up to and they just had another program update last week that brought it up from to

    If you will uninstall Spybot, download CCleaner, run it, then run the registry cleanup, then try to install Spybot again.

    If you will look at my signature, that is all I run on all my PC's. I have 4 of them all together. 2 of them I have grandkids over here everyday and they get on them all the time. If I have more come over, they use all of them. I have just started running Malwarebytes about a couple of weeks ago and the first time I ran it on all the machines, it found 1 thing and it was on mine and they very seldom us it.

  6. What is in my Signature is what I have on ALL my PC's. I don't remember when I got the last cooty. The grandkids get on mainly 2 of them unless they are all over here. Then it is a free for all and I still don't have enough. They each have their own at their house and they have what I have. I have only had trouble with one of them as they had shut off AVG for some reason. They don't know why. It was a quick fix. All of them are like me and behind a router and use only Window's Firewall.

  7. When we had a PC Club and got an old donated PC in, most of them didn't have much ram in them. We would basically double the ram, reinstall the OS, install AVG, and ZA as the firewall and a couple of programs like Spybot and SpywareBlaster (after doing a complete wipe of the HD). To keep from spending much money on these PC's, we would buy the cheapest ram that we could get as long as it was the same ram or at least backward compatible ( Example, 133 to 100) and go from there. Never had a problem with any of them coming back. I would do the work and then use the PC as my own for a week or so before giving it the OK.

  8. glad the link can be of help

    i thought of you when i recieved the


    he is a member of this board

    but at this stage ide like him to remain annon

    until he approves of me posting his name

    now jd

    what sort of fire wall is needed for win 98m

    ive already installed a virus scanner

    so i need to follow your advice

    at least this is giving vista a rest

    the machine with 98 is very old

    and very crotchety

    ive seen that message before

    windos will close

    it used to happen if you had to many applis at once

    those days i used to use alt cntr delete

    bugger that

    i have to get used to waiting with a bit more patients

    with xp you could load avast and adaware both at the same time

    but not so with win98


    I am always anonymous. The site that I sent you has updates to 98 that you can't get from MS anymore. It has been a while since since I have used any of them.