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Posts posted by slayer1927

  1. Hey everyone I am doing a website for a none profit organization . This website is where people can go read and donate to a school in bonga.

    Here is what I want to ask.

    The basic website is going to be normal info and stuff but should I add a forum system I planned to add a blog.

    Next what would you want to see on a website like this? videos pictures ?

    Should we link a facebook , twitter , and other sites to it to help .

    We just have alot of questions for this site and we want to know what you all think we should do to this site to make it the best we can.

    If you want to stay up to date with the website go to my blog on my profile and I will post more info about the site and progress on there.

  2. Hey everyone I have a few cool themes on my website. But I really want to get into making a theme for my wordpress. I know I can code one but I want to know if there is any programs out there that will help me out with this. I have heard of some that cost a lot of money but I am looking for a free program that I can use . It just would save me a lot of time that I don't have .

    Please let me know of thing that you have heard of.

  3. Hello everyone

    I am slayer1927 I am the owner of I really need a logo for my site. I need one for the site that is any size since I am going to be basing the site look on the logo design. I really want a grim reaper or somthing with a linux reaper that has somthing to do with computer or tech that you think is cool.

    Our site is also looking for a full time graphic designer and graphic mode for when the forum is up again. Please let me know of anyone interested. We need new icons and logos for the site we could us the help.

  4. Hello my friend asked me to come over and check his internet he has a dell desktop and a comast modem the computer is connected to the internet until you try to go to the ie or google chrome then it ask you to install the comcast software it then the program can't find the internet connection and the thing pops up network cable is unplugged . I have never seen anything like this . I can install the software is says without internet so im at a lose. I tried to turn the modem off and let it sit then I waited for a few minutes nothing happened. Should I reset it . Not sure what to do .

  5. I have added ubuntu 8 to my computer again. It is a laptop here are the specs

    hp pavillion dv6000

    1gig ram

    120 gig harddrive

    1.8 intel processor .

    It's not a bad laptop but I installed it and I made it for 80 gigs for my linux file. But now When I go to update for download stuff it says i'm ot of space.I'm not sure what to do the hardrive only has 4 gigs taken up . I had this issue on a few installs i did before on my desktop just went back to windows. I need linux now to use more and get better with it . But I don't know what to do here


  6. I was able last night to get linux to install on it. I had to find a problem called boot and nuke . I put it in around a hour later the program had the harddrive working for the live version of linux nothing else. So I used the linux partition program to create a new partition and now it works. I have some issues to get over with the linux people that are simple.

    Thank you everyone for your time and help.

  7. as TT mentioned. I think the linux partitions may me the issue. You should not have to format it, but you do have to delete all the linux partitions before the xp installer will work properly. It may be the same with Vista also.

    As to ubuntu not working, that is odd. since none of the discs will run, could your optical drive be bad?

    edit add later//

    I do not think it is a driver issue. Both Vista and Ubuntu have good SATA support.

    Well the thing is I can't find anything to format it . I try to format it slow in windows it doesn't work i try fast in xp it works then messes up in the end. the optical drive is good. The harddrive passed the test . But I'm not sure what else to do any ideas.

  8. Hey everyone

    I'm having a big problem with a laptop of mine. I had linux installed on it and my gf was using it . Well it got a error and I couldn't get the os to work. So I tried to use ubcd to wipe the harddrive and do a fresh reinstall of linux or windows. Well It would not read the cd right it got al these errors and stuff that made me go crazy. So i tried to use ubuntu , xp ,vista, ubcd and none of them would work . The vista and xp could not find the hardrive.

    I changed the native sata setting to try that it worked before but this time it didn't

    I had this problem a year ago and they said when I took it in that it worked for them since the cd he had must of had the computer drivers on it that it needed.

    I have no clue anymore on what to do and if it's just the drivers how do I add them onto the cd to install them and if so where can I get the ones I need.

    Please let me know this is a bad problem since I use my laptop at work a lot now and I really need it .

  9. Yah i know but i know so many people that dont know crap about tech and they dont know where to go. So mines just a help site. Plus its my first post but i have talked to jeff and the othere leaders he before, Its just first forum post.

  10. Hey everyone my new website is finally up. We are still working on the look and forums but the structure is up and videos and info are there. is the site

    It is a site that offers help with all tech support from mac to windows and linux.

    We have a live stream and are partners at will be helping us making more videos and getting the site up fully.

    Right now we have some info about all kinds of things. Like mac and windows lots of reviews.The blog is down but will be up soon. The forums are up and open i will be on later to add post to it.

    Please come check out the website. Please remember we are new and are still working on it.But if there is anything you can think of that will make the site better please let me know so i can get on.

    We want to make the site a great community for young and old.

    Come by and check us out some time and feel free to join the forums.