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Posts posted by Pierce

  1. What do you mean wonder?

    Surely your not telling me i cant go to mcDonalds and ask for a drink mixed with various soft drinks to have a cup of water at the end? (Honstly i havnt been there in years, so i dont know)

    Or that, when my cheap plastic biro runs out of ink, that i cant buy 4 different replacement inks, to mix them up and have a black one? OR that, that is a bit backwards, and expensive.

    Or that big mean, heartless compaines would make the hardware, that uses a black ink cartage work, wont work with a colour cartage? Surely thats just wrong!

    Or that my hair is on fire and i shouldnt put it out with some petrol, rather than a towel, or water..?


    Some people never stop to amaze me :P


  2. Another design technique is, if you cant draw it on paper, or in a paint program. Then you should not expect drawing it in html will naturally flow.

    Also best designs usualy go though quite a few processes till one that "fits" is found, developed or designed.

    Dont be discouraged if your current designs are not satisfactory to you. The more designs you do, the better they will become, and easier to think and develope. Everybody has to start somewhere...


  3. Technically, the act of powering up, and powering down a computer each time stops and starts the electron flow though silicon damaging it slightly each time.

    But you dont need to, and remember the cost of running a pc can be heavy. Depending on how many hard drives (they spin all the time), what powerrating your power supply unit is. If its pulling 400watts an hour, with everything, that can be quiet expenisve....

    I take it your on dsl/cable? If you are, then your most likly already behind a NAT, which limits most attacks. Then pretty much any firewall after that will work. Just keep the firewall and av updated all the time.

    Standby or let it run normally. Well windows can always do with a good restart every so often, but i did get a week out of one system once, which was amazing. And how much electricity do you want to, not want to burn..?


  4. Nice so dhcp is hosted at the isp. I dont have any access to technology like that here. Tell me how you go from a fiber connection to the ethernet port of your pc? Or is it a full blown fiber ethernet card?


  5. I dont like norton, because its big, it doesnt detect most viruses and trojans, even the corporate edition, and its only updated on wedensdays.

    I now use NOD32, which is $40/year i think. Its well worth the money, as i see the "nod is updated" ballon three times a day, its wonderfull. Even on christmas day it came up twice!

    The renew value goes down to $30/year. Its also very small and it is parinoid ammount of security!

    It makes me wonder why i even tried to use norton.


  6. Being a lunatic audiofile, i disagree. Why have 400watt speakers, when 5watt's does?

    Simple more power! Better sound, and higher responsive range. Though im talking about stereo. For surround sound you dont need much power, other than in the sub, which on most systems are 125watt or so. And yes they are most likely to cause any problems with monitors. Check that the sub is a decent distance away from the monitor. If its too close it can cause problems.


  7. Opera pwnz. Its just so fluid, and feels and works better than FireFox. Firefox just anoies me, but at the same time, opera doesnt work well with particularly gmail, and google analytics.

    Wonder about gbrowser, how many people will dump firefox instantly for it.


  8. Um, its only for mass mailing's by ligitmate compaines... not pay for person to person email. Other wise they would loose seriously to gmail, hotmail, and certainly webbaised isp email.

    Btw, if you think google is giving you all its services for free your living in an illusion. Google is a corporate company, and like any other it strives to make a proffit, which it is doing beautifully.


  9. And you can add the feed to your favourite rss reader



    also another reason to go to the chat room

    <@Pierce> !besttechie

    <+RSNBot> [besttechie.net] Dsl Went Down! - http://www.besttechie.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=6917

    <+RSNBot> [besttechie.net] Avian Water Ads - http://www.besttechie.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=6916

    <+RSNBot> [besttechie.net] Microsoft Antispyware - 01/27/2006 - http://www.besttechie.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=6915

    or every 15minutes automaticaly!


  10. Vacume tube has always been the audiofiles friend. Vacume lifted turntable plates, vacume tube amps, vacume tube this, that and its all very expensive.

    Not to mention that they do have to be replaced every so often, and that they are extremly fragile, so if you drop em... well that would be a good time to cry.

    They will probably come back in slowly, as analog produces are far superior quality, this can be seen in the wave, a digital wave, mesured over 1 unit, is either a 1 or a 0, where as an anologous singal messured over any 1 unit has an infinite amount of information. (infinite number of 1's and 0's) Thus having a superior sound.
