Alan Luiz

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Posts posted by Alan Luiz

  1. The sketch itself helps a lot, but it will be even more valuable if you assign a schedule to it. It's good if your goal has a due date one or two days ahead of schedule: if you manage to meet it, you can take a breath, and if not, you can still meet the deadline. It is important to evaluate how much time you can devote to a task in addition to your other subjects and possibly your work, and set a reasonable schedule accordingly.

    However, what you wrote should not mean that you will not sleep for several days! It’s easier then to turn to the authors of the essay ( so that you don’t get bogged down for many hours in writing. Be sure to leave room for rest as well, for if you generously neglect your basic human needs, the quality of your work and your health will also suffer. Careful planning will help make the letter you send not only successful, but fit into your life.

    Don't be afraid to ask!

    If, while writing, you realize that something is not clear from the material, or that you may be stuck looking for a source despite a thoughtful choice of topic, do not hesitate to write an email to the subject teacher. There is a good chance that you will get a quick and useful answer to a well-formulated, specific, relevant question. You can, of course, contact your specialists. The point is not to ride hard on the problem: the writing deadline is ticking!

    Don't miss links at the last minute!

    You have planned everything well, prepared with honor, written a thoughtful essay, and plagiarized because of hasty citations of sources ... avoid it. Check exactly what form of link you expect when writing - if you haven't already, learn its rules! When you need to link to information, tag yourself in a transparent way while it's still in draft status. One of the best solutions is to use link management software when writing.

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