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Posts posted by davisbaumung

  1. Allright Are the yellow boxes the couches? I am thinking about just going to one of thoses in box ones or pre paid ones, i was looking at one in walmart they range from 150 to 300 bucks there so i will have to see. I guses i can just put them around the outer edge of the room too. I will likely get a sub if i go with the box type, right?

  2. Allright Are the yellow boxes the couches? I am thinking about just going to one of thoses in box ones or pre paid ones, i was looking at one in walmart they range from 150 to 300 bucks there so i will have to see. I guses i can just put them around the outer edge of the room too. I will likely get a sub if i go with the box type, right?

  3. Allright Are the yellow boxes the couches? I am thinking about just going to one of thoses in box ones or pre paid ones, i was looking at one in walmart they range from 150 to 300 bucks there so i will have to see. I guses i can just put them around the outer edge of the room too. I will likely get a sub if i go with the box type, right?

  4. ok for the y cable i dont relaly know what i was tlaking about! What are the red squarees?

    What if we where to not worrie about the little room off to the side and just put the speackers in the big room, i mesured it all off and then I forgot the papper so ya i will get that soon and i will post back then.

  5. I heard that you only need the green port for Y cable and run it to your speaker (amp or what ever the main box is called) then you dont have speakers on your pc unless you get spliters but then you loss sound quality. Can you take that pic and use like a black or something and draw where you would place the speakers. That would be awsome, thank you in advance!

    Davis Baumung

  6. Well I am finnily getting around to posting! Thank you for that reply, This room is sorta big, but the caouches are in a corner as seen in the picture so what if i just surrund them. But then on the same note i alos want to use a Y cable and go form my PC and listen to music over the surround sound that is y i wanted it all over. Any suggestions there?

    Davis Baumung